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Gene Review

Flg  -  filaggrin

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AW107830, Filaggrin, fillagrin, ft, profilaggrin
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Disease relevance of Flg


High impact information on Flg

  • Further, these antibodies demonstrated specific binding to citrullinated filaggrin in rat esophagus by indirect immunofluorescence and citrullinated fibrinogen by Western blot [5].
  • Loss of proteolytically processed filaggrin caused by epidermal deletion of Matriptase/MT-SP1 [6].
  • Profilaggrin is a large epidermal polyprotein that is proteolytically processed during keratinocyte differentiation to release multiple filaggrin monomer units as well as a calcium-binding regulatory NH2-terminal filaggrin S-100 protein [6].
  • The basal cells of affected mice ceased to proliferate, and expressed the profilaggrin and loricrin genes which are normally transcribed only in the latest stages of epidermal differentiation [7].
  • However, only a small fraction of the cells express the markers K1, K10, CE, or filaggrin in the higher Ca2+ medium [8].

Biological context of Flg


Anatomical context of Flg


Associations of Flg with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Flg

  • We found that loricrin mRNA and protein were expressed by E16, following the expression of keratins K1 and K10 and preceding the expression of profilaggrin [22].
  • In this study we examined the expression of hornerin compared with that of profilaggrin in various mouse tissues [16].
  • Furthermore, the expression of both mRNA and protein for the calcium inducible keratinocyte differentiation markers, filaggrin and loricrin, were down-regulated in the epidermis of Casr(-/-) mice, whereas the number of proliferating cells were increased even though the calcium gradient within the epidermis was enhanced [23].
  • The human hornerin gene was mapped between trichohyalin and filaggrin on chromosome 1q21.3, the region being completely syntenic with the counterpart of the mouse [24].
  • Minor but significant differences are: in forestomach, striated material resembling lamellar granules is intercalated between the cornified squames; and in forestomach granular layer cells, loricrin-containing L-granules are more abundant, and filaggrin-containing F-granules less abundant than in epidermis [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Flg


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