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Gene Review

Gna13  -  guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 13

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AU024132, AU043124, G alpha-13, G-protein subunit alpha-13, Galpha13, ...
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Disease relevance of Gna13


High impact information on Gna13

  • Disruption of the gene encoding the G protein subunit alpha13 (Galpha13) in mice impaired the ability of endothelial cells to develop into an organized vascular system, resulting in intrauterine death [6].
  • In addition, Galpha13 (-/-) embryonic fibroblasts showed greatly impaired migratory responses to thrombin [6].
  • These results demonstrate that Galpha13 participates in the regulation of cell movement in response to specific ligands, as well as in developmental angiogenesis [6].
  • Moreover, expression of Galpha12 and Galpha13 stimulates autophosphorylation and transphosphorylation activities of Tec [7].
  • In mouse embryonic fibroblasts, the pSLIK platform was used to conditionally deplete the expression of the heterotrimeric G proteins Galpha12 and Galpha13 both singly and in combination, demonstrating the Galpha13 dependence of serum response element-mediated transcription [8].

Biological context of Gna13


Anatomical context of Gna13


Associations of Gna13 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Gna13


Regulatory relationships of Gna13


Other interactions of Gna13


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gna13

  • Northern blots of multiple clones revealed the expression of a 1.8-kilobase pair mutant Galpha13 transcript in transfected cells, in addition to the 6-kilobase pair endogenous mRNA [21].
  • The transfection resulted in a doubling of the expression of Galpha13 protein in these cells as assessed by Western blot analysis [21].
  • The interaction was demonstrated by (i) the binding of G alpha 13 to immobilized beta gamma-complexes and (ii) the formation of stable heterotrimers during sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation [27].


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