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Gene Review

Prkcq  -  protein kinase C, theta

Mus musculus

Synonyms: A130035A12Rik, AW494342, PKC theta, PKC-0, PKC-theta, ...

PKC-theta is a member of the Protein Kinase C family of serine/threonine kinase activated by elevated levels of di-acyl-glycerol (DAG) and Calcium. In mammals, PKC-theta is only expressed in cells of the immune system and in skeletal muscles. When PKC-theta is activated in cells of the immune system, such as T and B cells, it mediates NF-Kappa B signaling in parallel to the kinase Akt.

PKC-theta Activation in T and B Cells. The elevated levels of DAG and calcium needed for PKC-theta activation are generated by the PI3K pathway. PI3K, phosphorylates phospho-inositol lipids in the membrane to generate DAG and PIP3, which activates Akt and opens Calcium channels in the membrane of the Endoplasmic/Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (ER or SR), as a result Calcium enters the cytoplasm.

PI3K is activated by active T-cell Receptor (TCR) or B-Cell Receptor (BCR) signaling, these receptors are multi-complexes on the cellular membrane of T and B cells that bind antigen with incredible specificity that is achieved by a process of DNA recombination during T and B cell development in the Thymus or bone marrow, respectively. This process of recombination and differentiation is astonishingly complex and a remarkable feat of evolution. These cells have evolved to protect us from any foreign-antigen carrying pathogen, even thous that we have never met or are yet to have evolved.

The Role of PKC-theta in Immunological Synapse Stability and Motility. The Immunological Synapse (IS) is structure of multi-protein complexes that forms on the membrane interface between two interacting cells of the immune system. The IS that forms between Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) and T cells is a key stage in the activation of almost any type of an immune response. This interaction takes place in the lymph nodes after an APC presenting a foreign pathogen peptide (a peptide is a short sequence of amino acids or a small protein molecule) is specifically recognized by a specific TCR carrying T cell, resulting in signaling events in both cells. This signaling process is a fundamental stage in the immune response, because the T cell needs to gather information about the type of pathogen the APC encountered, activate it self, make a molecular decision about what kind of immune response is needed, pass this information back to the APC and then proliferate and distribute the information so an immune response can be generated. All of the above communicative events happen in the IS, the interaction is both through direct binding and ligand-receptor binding. The ligands secreted by active T-cells and other immune cells are known as cytokines that very according to the type of cell and the type of immune response generated.

So, what does PKC-theta have to do with the IS, apart from activating T and B cells through NF-Kappa B signaling? It turns-out that the localization of PKC-theta in the IS determines whether the T-cells are going to be motile and form short-lived IS interactions or stable. In T-cells, if PKC-theta localization is surrounding the center of the IS, the cells or more motile and form less stable synapses. But, if PKC-theta is excluded from the IS, the T-cells form very stable IS. This is crucial because activated T-cells secret cytokines and if the IS is stable the T-cell will secret in a more directed manner as apposed to a more dispersed secretion. Effector T-cell that form unstable IS, known as Kinapses, secret in a dispersed manner and are more inflammatory then less motile cells. Contradictory to Effector T-cells, Regulatory T-cells (cells that regulate and inactivate effector T-cells) are more effective and better inhibit inflammation, when stable IS are formed.

By inhibiting PKC-theta, it is possible to inhibit Effector T-cell inflammatory effect both directly, through inhibiting NF-Kappa B activation and reduced motility, and indirectly, by improved Regulatory T-cell function. This is a promising unti-inflammatory drug development opportunity, that might help the treatment of Auto-immune diseases or graft vs host disease in the future

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Disease relevance of Prkcq


High impact information on Prkcq



Biological context of Prkcq


Anatomical context of Prkcq


Associations of Prkcq with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Prkcq


Regulatory relationships of Prkcq


Other interactions of Prkcq


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Prkcq




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