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Gene Review

RT1-A  -  RT1-region, class I (A)

Rattus norvegicus

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Disease relevance of RT1-A

  • Several genes, including those encoding keratin K7 and the u haplotype of MHC class I RT1-A, were found to be overexpressed in neu-initiated carcinomas as well as in mammary carcinomas induced by other agents, when compared to their expression in normal mammary tissue [1].
  • In this report, we present data from two breeding studies utilizing the r8 haplotype (RT1AaBuDuEuCu) that demonstrate that (1) the RT1A locus is not involved in the disease association, (2) the MHC genes determining disease susceptibility are not unique to the BB rat, and (3) IDDM resistance genes are found outside the MHC [2].

High impact information on RT1-A

  • This antigen system is unusual in several respects: it does not involve class I RT1A gene products usually used by killer cell responses in the rat, it maps to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-like RT1C region, and it requires homozygous expression of RT1Cav1 alleles [3].
  • Immunological properties of subcellular rat lymphocyte preparations. Primary allogeneic stimulation in vitro by fractions containing Ia (RT1-B), but not RT1-A antigens [4].
  • In conjunction with previous breeding studies, this study maps the diabetes susceptibility gene to the right of the RT1-A locus and to the left of the RT1-C locus [5].
  • A cDNA clone encoding a RT1 E beta chain was isolated from a cDNA library prepared from Wistar (RT1 mu) spleen poly(A) RNA by screening with DNA fragments encoding a RT1 A beta chain [6].
  • LEW (RT1(1)) rats were primed for indirect T cell allorecognition of DA (RT1av1) classical class I MHC molecules by immunization with synthetic 22-24 amino acid peptides corresponding to the alpha-helices of the RT1-A class I molecule [7].

Biological context of RT1-A


Anatomical context of RT1-A

  • During mid and late pregnancy, RT1-A mainly localized in decidual blood vessels and spongiotrophoblast cells of the junction zone [12].
  • In late pregnancy, expression of RT1-A decreased in placenta and increased in uterus, and RT1-DM increased in both placenta and uterus with IFN-gamma treatment compared with untreated controls [12].
  • Immunohistochemical studies indicated that, in early pregnancy, RT1-DM protein mainly localized to luminal and glandular uterine epithelium, and RT1-A was present in deciduas basalis, outer layer of luminal epithelium and glandular epithelium [13].
  • Interestingly, after mechanical nerve injury, glial cells predominantely upregulated expression of RT1-A, whereas neuronal expression of RT1-U remained unchanged [14].
  • Individual rat cells producing antibody to rat MHC class I alloantigens ( RT1A ) and other erythrocyte (E)-associated alloantigens can be enumerated by a solid-phase antibody-forming cell focus ( AFCF ) assay [15].

Associations of RT1-A with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of RT1-A


Other interactions of RT1-A

  • Effect on expression of RT1-A and RT1-DM molecules of treatment with interferon-gamma at the maternal--fetal interface of pregnant rats [12].
  • Hence, it is possible to generate Ia-related allogeneic helper signals in primary, as well as secondary, in vitro responses, using subcellular membrane fragments that have restricted expression of RT1-B-, but not RT1-A-, encoded antigens [4].
  • The rats were classified into 5 groups according to the differences in subregions of the RT1 (rat MHC) between the recipient and the donor: group 1, RT1-A,B,D barrier (the differences of RT1-A,B,D subregions); group 2, RT1-A barrier; group 3, RT1-B,D barrier; group 4, RT1-B barrier; and group 5, RT1-D barrier [18].
  • Sequence analysis of the genomic interval between the Rps18 and RT1-A genes in the RT1u haplotype [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RT1-A


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