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Gene Review

KIF22  -  kinesin family member 22

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: A-328A3.2, KID, KNSL4, Kid, Kinesin-like DNA-binding protein, ...
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Disease relevance of KIF22

  • We reviewed the course of 1,076 patients with essential hypertension whose condition had been initially evaluated with both ambulatory BP (ABP) and office BP (OBP) measurements [1].
  • The Herpes simplex virus type I origin-binding protein, OBP, is encoded by the UL9 gene [2].
  • Here we use Escherichia coli exonuclease I to map the binding of the C-terminal domain of OBP to the hairpin and the helicase domains to the single-stranded tail [3].
  • By EMSA, the HHV-6B OBP DNA-binding domain was mapped to a segment containing amino acids 482 to 770 [4].
  • The OBP(H7) consensus recognition sequence of the 9-bp core, BRTYCWCCT (where B is a T, G, or C; R is a G or A; Y is a T or C; and W is a T or A), overlaps with the OBP(H6B) consensus YGWYCWCCY and establishes YCWCC as the roseolovirus OBP core recognition sequence [5].

Psychiatry related information on KIF22

  • The results showed that the expression patterns can vary within a subgroup of genes and that this technique is valuable for assessing which of the putative OBP genes are likely to be involved in Drosophila olfaction [6].
  • The percentage of OBP was significantly related to the degree of lung resistance during wakefulness [7].
  • The Give a Kid a Chance Omnibus Mental Health Services Act of 2003 (H.R.81) is a worthwhile proposal that endorses mental health services for children, adolescents, and their families [8].

High impact information on KIF22

  • This approach identified Xkid, a Xenopus homolog of human Kid (kinesin-like DNA binding protein) as a protein that is degraded in anaphase by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis [9].
  • These experiments show that cyclinB1 is able to maintain a bipolar spindle even after sister chromatids had become separated and suggest an important role of hKid in this process [10].
  • Instead, we demonstrate here that Kid becomes active in plasmid-containing cells when plasmid copy number decreases, cleaving not only host- but also a specific plasmid-encoded mRNA at the longer and more specific target sequence UUACU [11].
  • Cdc2-mediated phosphorylation of Kid controls its distribution to spindle and chromosomes [12].
  • Kid is a kinesin-like DNA-binding protein known to be involved in chromosome movement during mitosis, although its actual motor function has not been demonstrated [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of KIF22

  • The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of slow-release verapamil (V), 240 mg and nitrendipine (N), 20 mg, administered once daily, on office (OBP) and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension [14].
  • These results suggest that OBP, which is expressed at millimolar levels, might reduce HNE toxicity by removing from the nasal mucus a significant fraction of the aldehyde that is produced as a consequence of direct exposure to the oxygen present in inhaled air [15].

Biological context of KIF22


Anatomical context of KIF22

  • Moreover, the stalk region of unphosphorylated Kid interacts with microtubules and the interaction is weakened when Thr463 is phosphorylated [12].
  • Here, we performed RNA interference experiments to deplete endogenous Kid from HeLa cells and confirmed defects in metaphase chromosome arm alignment in Kid-depleted cells [18].
  • Regulatable killing of eukaryotic cells by the prokaryotic proteins Kid and Kis [19].
  • An ommochrome-binding protein (OBP) from the hemolymph of Manduca sexta has recently been purified and characterized [20].
  • The aqueous solubility of hydrophobic odorants is thought to be greatly enhanced via odorant binding proteins (OBP) which exist in the extracellular fluid surrounding the odorant receptors [21].

Associations of KIF22 with chemical compounds

  • Using streptavidin-coated magnetic beads, we show that OBP may bind two copies of double-stranded DNA (one biotin-labeled and the other one radioactively labeled) but only one copy of oriS*. It is the length of the single-stranded tail that determines the stoichiometry of OBP.DNA complexes [3].
  • The OBP cDNA encodes a polypeptide of 274 residues with a predicted molecular weight of 30,580 and with one consensus N-linked glycosylation site [20].
  • The sleep surfaces studied included: firm mattress covered by a sheet, Bumpa Bed, Breathe Easy, Kid Safe/Baby Air, Halo Sleep System, and Sleep Guardian [22].
  • 0. Kid pepsin contained 0.37 molecules phosphorous per molecule and was totally inhibited by 5 muM pepstatin A, being more sensitive than kid chymosin [23].
  • We purified the binding-protein of ouabain (OBP) from human plasma [24].

Other interactions of KIF22


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of KIF22

  • Indirect immunofluorescence studies show that Kid colocalizes with mitotic chromosomes and that it is enriched in the kinetochore at anaphase [27].
  • Although the longer DNA-binding domains identified by EMSA have marginal overall homology among HHV-6B and alphaherpesvirus OBP homologs, the smaller regions sufficient for the binding observed by Southwestern blotting have significant similarity [4].
  • Competitive electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with DNA duplexes containing single-base alterations allowed deduction of a consensus DNA sequence for HHV-6B-specific OBP binding, YGWYCWCCY, where Y is T or C and W is T or A, while that for HSV-1-specific binding was reported to be YGYTCGCACT [4].
  • Heteroduplex analysis suggests that OBP(H7) interacts along one face of the DNA helix, with the major groove, as do OBP(H6B) and herpes simplex virus type 1 OBP [5].
  • We determined the tissue-specific transcript levels of all of these OBP genes of D. melanogaster using semiquantitative RT-PCR [6].


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