Gene Review:
MAZ - MYC-associated zinc finger protein (purine...
Homo sapiens
MAZI, Myc-associated zinc finger protein, PUR1, Pur-1, Purine-binding transcription factor, ...
- The MAZ protein is an autoantigen of Hodgkin's disease and paraneoplastic cerebellar dysfunction. Bataller, L., Wade, D.F., Graus, F., Rosenfeld, M.R., Dalmau, J. Ann. Neurol. (2003)
- Induction of matrix metalloproteinase 1 gene expression is regulated by inflammation-responsive transcription factor SAF-1 in osteoarthritis. Ray, A., Kuroki, K., Cook, J.L., Bal, B.S., Kenter, K., Aust, G., Ray, B.K. Arthritis Rheum. (2003)
- Overexpression of serum amyloid A-activating factor 1 inhibits cell proliferation by the induction of cyclin-dependent protein kinase inhibitor p21WAF-1/Cip-1/Sdi-1 expression. Ray, A., Shakya, A., Kumar, D., Ray, B.K. J. Immunol. (2004)
- Fetal Alz-50 clone 1 (FAC1) protein interacts with the Myc-associated zinc finger protein (ZF87/MAZ) and alters its transcriptional activity. Jordan-Sciutto, K.L., Dragich, J.M., Caltagarone, J., Hall, D.J., Bowser, R. Biochemistry (2000)
- Specific transcriptional pausing activates polyadenylation in a coupled in vitro system. Yonaha, M., Proudfoot, N.J. Mol. Cell (1999)
- MAZ-dependent termination between closely spaced human complement genes. Ashfield, R., Patel, A.J., Bossone, S.A., Brown, H., Campbell, R.D., Marcu, K.B., Proudfoot, N.J. EMBO J. (1994)
- Selenite supplementation decreases expression of MAZ in HT29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Nelson, K.K., Bacon, B., Christensen, M.J. Nutrition and cancer. (1996)
- Human genes for KNSL4 and MAZ are located close to one another on chromosome 16p11.2. Song, J., Murakami, H., Yang, Z.Q., Koga, C., Adati, N., Murata, T., Geltinger, C., Saito-Ohara, F., Ikeuchi, T., Matsumura, M., Itakura, K., Kanazawa, I., Sun, K., Yokoyama, K.K. Genomics (1998)
- The serotonin 1a receptor gene contains a TATA-less promoter that responds to MAZ and Sp1. Parks, C.L., Shenk, T. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- The DNA-binding and transcriptional activities of MAZ, a myc-associated zinc finger protein, are regulated by casein kinase II. Tsutsui, H., Geltinger, C., Murata, T., Itakura, K., Wada, T., Handa, H., Yokoyama, K.K. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1999)
- Members of the MAZ family: a novel cDNA clone for MAZ from human pancreatic islet cells. Tsutsui, H., Sakatsume, O., Itakura, K., Yokoyama, K.K. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1996)
- MAZ, a zinc finger protein, binds to c-MYC and C2 gene sequences regulating transcriptional initiation and termination. Bossone, S.A., Asselin, C., Patel, A.J., Marcu, K.B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
- Genomic organization and expression of a human gene for Myc-associated zinc finger protein (MAZ). Song, J., Murakami, H., Tsutsui, H., Tang, X., Matsumura, M., Itakura, K., Kanazawa, I., Sun, K., Yokoyama, K.K. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Functional importance of Myc-associated zinc finger protein for the human parathyroid hormone (PTH)/PTH-related peptide receptor-1 P2 promoter constitutive activity. Leroy, C., Manen, D., Rizzoli, R., Lombès, M., Silve, C. J. Mol. Endocrinol. (2004)
- A Myc-associated zinc finger protein binding site is one of four important functional regions in the CD4 promoter. Duncan, D.D., Stupakoff, A., Hedrick, S.M., Marcu, K.B., Siu, G. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1995)
- The piscine SAF-1 cell line: genetic stability and labeling. Béjar, J., Porta, J., Borrego, J.J., Alvarez, M.C. Mar. Biotechnol. (2005)
- Synthetic promoter elements obtained by nucleotide sequence variation and selection for activity. Edelman, G.M., Meech, R., Owens, G.C., Jones, F.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)
- Interaction of Myc-associated zinc finger protein with DCC, the product of a tumor-suppressor gene, during the neural differentiation of P19 EC cells. Ugai, H., Li, H.O., Komatsu, M., Tsutsui, H., Song, J., Shiga, T., Fearon, E., Murata, T., Yokoyama, K.K. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2001)
- Activation of mouse RAG-2 promoter by Myc-associated zinc finger protein. Wu, C.X., Zhao, W.P., Kishi, H., Dokan, J., Jin, Z.X., Wei, X.C., Yokoyama, K.K., Muraguchi, A. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2004)