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Gene Review

Casp6  -  caspase 6

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Apoptotic protease Mch-2, CASP-6, Caspase-6, Mch2
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Disease relevance of Casp6


High impact information on Casp6

  • Furthermore, active caspase 6 is capable of processing and activating procaspase 3 in cellular extracts prepared from non-apoptotic CGCs, whereas caspase 3 failed to activate caspase 6 [4].
  • Caspase 6 activity initiates caspase 3 activation in cerebellar granule cell apoptosis [4].
  • At the time of deprivation, the addition of the irreversible, broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor zVADfmk or the cell permeable, caspase 6 inhibitor CP-VEID-cho can transiently suppress the appearance of apoptosis, including the early appearance of DNA fragmentation [4].
  • Temporal regulation of VEID-7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin cleavage activity and caspase-6 correlates with organelle loss during lens development [5].
  • Interestingly, inhibition of caspase-6 blocked TUNEL-negative cell death [6].

Biological context of Casp6


Anatomical context of Casp6


Associations of Casp6 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Casp6


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Casp6

  • RT-PCR products, when subcloned and sequenced, provided full-length cDNAs for ICE (1,209 bp) and CPP32 (786 bp) and partial cDNA products for Mch2 (561 bp) and Nedd2 (811 bp) [20].
  • Caspase 6 expression was examined using Western blot and immunohistochemistry [3].
  • Ischemic preconditioning ameliorated mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction by 50%, reduced reactive oxygen species generation by 38%, and suppressed mitochondrial lipid peroxidation by 36%, resulting in improvement of the mitochondrial membrane potential and prevention of cytochrome c release as well as caspase-6 activation [21].
  • Proteolysis and activation of caspases 3 and 7 as determined by immunoblotting and substrate-specific cleavage assay (DEVDase) preceded caspase-6 proteolysis and increased VEIDase activity following STS treatment [22].


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