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Gene Review

ECs4411  -  endo-1,4-D-glucanase

Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai

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Disease relevance of ECs4411

  • The out genes of the enterobacterial plant pathogen Erwinia chrysanthemi are responsible for the efficient extracellular secretion of multiple plant cell wall-degrading enzymes, including four isozymes of pectate lyase, exo-poly-alpha-D-galacturonosidase, pectin methylesterase, and cellulase [1].
  • The amino acid sequences of cellulase from Bacillus subtilis (BSC) and that from an alkalophilic Bacillus sp. N-4 (NK1) show significant homology in most parts except for the C-terminal portions [2].
  • In this study, we enhanced the thermostability of endoglucanase EngB, one component of the cellulase complex (cellulosome) from Clostridium cellulovorans, by the directed evolution technique [3].
  • Conserved serine-rich sequences in xylanase and cellulase from Pseudomonas fluorescens subspecies cellulosa: internal signal sequence and unusual protein processing [4].
  • The gene encoding the cellulase (Avicelase) Cel1 from Streptomyces reticuli and analysis of protein domains [5].

High impact information on ECs4411


Chemical compound and disease context of ECs4411


Biological context of ECs4411

  • CenA is a bacterial cellulase (beta-1,4-glucanase) comprised of a globular catalytic domain joined to an extended cellulose-binding domain (CBD) by a short linker peptide [13].
  • A flexible linker, modeled after a secreted fungal cellulase protein, was incorporated as the interdomain linker covalently joining the two active sites [14].
  • The substrate specificity and substrate competition pattern of the purified recombinant cellulase were the same as those of the purified cellulase from Bacillus sp. D04 [7].
  • We have cloned a region involved in pectate lyase and cellulase secretion by complementation of non-secretory outJ mutants of E. chrysanthemi strain 3937 using the RP4::miniMu plasmid pULB110 [15].
  • Insertion mutagenesis of the cloned region and recombination of the corresponding mutations in the bacterial chromosome by marker exchange revealed the existence of two divergently transcribed genes, pecS and pecM, that are both involved in the pectate lyase and cellulase regulation [16].

Anatomical context of ECs4411


Associations of ECs4411 with chemical compounds

  • This gene produces a thermostable cellulase that shows both endoglucanase and exoglucanase activities on test substrates and is able to degrade crystalline cellulose to glucose [21].
  • Two of these strains were used with commercial cellulase to ferment mixed-waste office paper to ethanol [22].
  • The extracellular cellulase preparation from C. acetobutylicum BKW-1 has a specific activity towards CMC which is more than fourfold that present in C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 [23].
  • The two 88K CMCase open reading frames had enough DNA to produce a protein of 106K, but the mobility of the enzyme in sodium dodecyl sulfate gels gave a value which was 20% lower [24].
  • In the present study, we demonstrate that a low but significant level of induction of cellulase activity occurs during growth on xylose or lichenan [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ECs4411


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