Gene Review:
F2R - coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor
Homo sapiens
CF2R, Coagulation factor II receptor, HTR, PAR-1, PAR1, ...
van Marle,
- Role and regulation of the thrombin receptor (PAR-1) in human melanoma. Tellez, C., Bar-Eli, M. Oncogene (2003)
- Comparison of the effects of PAR1 antagonists, PAR4 antagonists, and their combinations on thrombin-induced human platelet activation. Wu, C.C., Teng, C.M. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (2006)
- Expression of functional protease-activated receptor 1 in human prostate cancer cell lines. Liu, J., Bastian, M., Kohlschein, P., Schuff-Werner, P., Steiner, M. Urol. Res. (2003)
- Ligation of protease-activated receptor 1 enhances alpha(v)beta6 integrin-dependent TGF-beta activation and promotes acute lung injury. Jenkins, R.G., Su, X., Su, G., Scotton, C.J., Camerer, E., Laurent, G.J., Davis, G.E., Chambers, R.C., Matthay, M.A., Sheppard, D. J. Clin. Invest. (2006)
- Chromosomal assignment of the human thrombin receptor gene: localization to region q13 of chromosome 5. Bahou, W.F., Nierman, W.C., Durkin, A.S., Potter, C.L., Demetrick, D.J. Blood (1993)
- Thrombin receptor ligation and activated Rac uncap actin filament barbed ends through phosphoinositide synthesis in permeabilized human platelets. Hartwig, J.H., Bokoch, G.M., Carpenter, C.L., Janmey, P.A., Taylor, L.A., Toker, A., Stossel, T.P. Cell (1995)
- Molecular cloning of a functional thrombin receptor reveals a novel proteolytic mechanism of receptor activation. Vu, T.K., Hung, D.T., Wheaton, V.I., Coughlin, S.R. Cell (1991)
- Hypersensitivity of platelets to thrombin: formation of stable thrombin-receptor complexes and the role of shape change. Bennett, W.F., Glenn, K.C. Cell (1980)
- Activated protein C blocks p53-mediated apoptosis in ischemic human brain endothelium and is neuroprotective. Cheng, T., Liu, D., Griffin, J.H., Fernández, J.A., Castellino, F., Rosen, E.D., Fukudome, K., Zlokovic, B.V. Nat. Med. (2003)
- PGE2 and PAR-1 in pulmonary fibrosis: a case of biting the hand that feeds you? Remillard, C.V., Yuan, J.X. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. (2005)
- Different levels of platelet activation in preeclamptic, normotensive pregnant, and nonpregnant women. Holthe, M.R., Staff, A.C., Berge, L.N., Lyberg, T. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (2004)
- A novel PAR-1-type thrombin receptor signaling pathway: cyclic AMP-independent activation of PKA in SNB-19 glioblastoma cells. Zieger, M., Tausch, S., Henklein, P., Nowak, G., Kaufmann, R. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2001)
- Comparative neurovirulence in lentiviral infections: The roles of viral molecular diversity and select proteases. Power, C., Zhang, K., van Marle, G. J. Neurovirol. (2004)
- Thrombin inhibits tumor cell growth in association with up-regulation of p21(waf/cip1) and caspases via a p53-independent, STAT-1-dependent pathway. Huang, Y.Q., Li, J.J., Karpatkin, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Cloning and identification of regulatory sequences of the human thrombin receptor gene. Li, F., Baykal, D., Horaist, C., Yan, C.N., Carr, B.N., Rao, G.N., Runge, M.S. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- Genomic cloning and characterization of the human thrombin receptor gene. Structural similarity to the proteinase activated receptor-2 gene. Schmidt, V.A., Vitale, E., Bahou, W.F. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- Evidence for the presence of a protease-activated receptor distinct from the thrombin receptor in human keratinocytes. Santulli, R.J., Derian, C.K., Darrow, A.L., Tomko, K.A., Eckardt, A.J., Seiberg, M., Scarborough, R.M., Andrade-Gordon, P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1995)
- Thrombin receptors and protease-activated receptor-2 in human placentation: receptor activation mediates extravillous trophoblast invasion in vitro. O'Brien, P.J., Koi, H., Parry, S., Brass, L.F., Strauss, J.F., Wang, L.P., Tomaszewski, J.E., Christenson, L.K. Am. J. Pathol. (2003)
- The effects of dexamethasone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on cytokines and receptor expression in a human osteoblastic cell line: Potential steroid-sparing role for DHEA. Harding, G., Mak, Y.T., Evans, B., Cheung, J., Macdonald, D., Hampson, G. Cytokine (2006)
- Correlation of protease-activated receptor-1 with differentiation markers in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and its implication in lymph node metastasis. Zhang, X., Hunt, J.L., Landsittel, D.P., Muller, S., Adler-Storthz, K., Ferris, R.L., Shin, D.M., Chen, Z.G. Clin. Cancer Res. (2004)
- Sustained stimulation of platelet thrombin receptor is associated with tyrosine dephosphorylation of a novel p67 peptide in a manner regulated by extracellular calcium. Karim, Z.A., Mukhopadhyay, S., Ramars, A.S., Dash, D. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2004)
- Efficient tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins after activation of platelets with thrombin depends on intact glycoprotein Ib. Diaz-Ricart, M., Fuste, B., Estebanell, E., Tonda, R., Lozano, M., Escolar, G., Jamieson, G., Ordinas, A. Platelets (2005)
- Thrombomodulin as a model of molecular mechanisms that modulate protease specificity and function at the vessel surface. Esmon, C.T. FASEB J. (1995)
- Coupling of the thrombin receptor to G12 may account for selective effects of thrombin on gene expression and DNA synthesis in 1321N1 astrocytoma cells. Post, G.R., Collins, L.R., Kennedy, E.D., Moskowitz, S.A., Aragay, A.M., Goldstein, D., Brown, J.H. Mol. Biol. Cell (1996)
- Distinct pathways mediate transcriptional regulation of platelet-derived growth factor B/c-sis expression. Daniel, T.O., Fen, Z. J. Biol. Chem. (1988)
- Shc adaptor proteins are key transducers of mitogenic signaling mediated by the G protein-coupled thrombin receptor. Chen, Y., Grall, D., Salcini, A.E., Pelicci, P.G., Pouysségur, J., Van Obberghen-Schilling, E. EMBO J. (1996)
- Interactions of mast cell tryptase with thrombin receptors and PAR-2. Molino, M., Barnathan, E.S., Numerof, R., Clark, J., Dreyer, M., Cumashi, A., Hoxie, J.A., Schechter, N., Woolkalis, M., Brass, L.F. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- Gene structure of human thrombomodulin, a thrombin receptor on endothelium acting as a cofactor for thrombin-catalyzed activation of protein C. Suzuki, K. Nippon Ketsueki Gakkai Zasshi (1988)
- Bradykinin and its metabolite, Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe, are selective inhibitors of alpha-thrombin-induced platelet activation. Hasan, A.A., Amenta, S., Schmaier, A.H. Circulation (1996)
- The human thrombin receptor and proteinase activated receptor-2 genes are tightly linked on chromosome 5q13. Schmidt, V.A., Nierman, W.C., Feldblyum, T.V., Maglott, D.R., Bahou, W.F. Br. J. Haematol. (1997)
- Matrix metalloproteinases target protease-activated receptors on the tumor cell surface. Pei, D. Cancer Cell (2005)
- PAR1 thrombin receptor-G protein interactions. Separation of binding and coupling determinants in the galpha subunit. Swift, S., Sheridan, P.J., Covic, L., Kuliopulos, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Thrombin-stimulated calcium mobilization is inhibited by thrombospondin via CD36. Enenstein, J., Gupta, K., Vercellotti, G.M., Hebbel, R.P. Exp. Cell Res. (1998)
- Ca2+ Signaling, TRP Channels, and Endothelial Permeability. Tiruppathi, C., Ahmmed, G.U., Vogel, S.M., Malik, A.B. Microcirculation (New York, N.Y. : 1994) (2006)
- Protease-activated receptor genes are clustered on 5q13. Guyonnet Dupérat, V., Jacquelin, B., Boisseau, P., Arveiler, B., Nurden, A.T. Blood (1998)
- Endothelial protein C receptor and protease-activated receptor-1 mediate induction of a wound-healing phenotype in human keratinocytes by activated protein C. Xue, M., Campbell, D., Sambrook, P.N., Fukudome, K., Jackson, C.J. J. Invest. Dermatol. (2005)
- Intravenous recombinant soluble human thrombomodulin prevents venous thrombosis in a rat model. Solis, M.M., Cook, C., Cook, J., Glaser, C., Light, D., Morser, J., Yu, S.C., Fink, L., Eidt, J.F. J. Vasc. Surg. (1991)
- Discovery of potent peptide-mimetic antagonists for the human thrombin receptor, protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1). Maryanoff, B.E., Zhang, H.C., Andrade-Gordon, P., Derian, C.K. Current medicinal chemistry. Cardiovascular and hematological agents. (2003)
- Direct vascular effects of protease-activated receptor type 1 agonism in vivo in humans. Gudmundsd??ttir, I.J., Megson, I.L., Kell, J.S., Ludlam, C.A., Fox, K.A., Webb, D.J., Newby, D.E. Circulation (2006)
- Solid tumor cells express functional "tethered ligand" thrombin receptor. Wojtukiewicz, M.Z., Tang, D.G., Ben-Josef, E., Renaud, C., Walz, D.A., Honn, K.V. Cancer Res. (1995)