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Gene Review

F2R  -  coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CF2R, Coagulation factor II receptor, HTR, PAR-1, PAR1, ...
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Disease relevance of F2R


High impact information on F2R


Chemical compound and disease context of F2R


Biological context of F2R

  • We have found that thrombin under the conditions of culture employed inhibits cell growth by both up-regulation of p21(waf/cip1) and induction of caspases via its PAR-1 receptor [14].
  • Induction of apoptosis is also PAR-1-specific, STAT1-dependent, and associated with up-regulation of caspases 1, 2, and 3 [14].
  • DNA sequence analysis indicated the presence of two SP-1-AP-2 consensus binding sequences, near or within the transcription initiation sites, and consensus binding sequences for numerous regulatory proteins that potentially modulate HTR expression [15].
  • This observation broadens our understanding of the mechanism of PAR-1 activation and its effect on cell growth, and could possibly lead to therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cancer [14].
  • To further characterize the TR gene, overlapping clones from a human genomic library were isolated [16].

Anatomical context of F2R

  • Results in fibroblasts were consistent with human platelet thrombin receptor activation [17].
  • Evidence for the presence of a protease-activated receptor distinct from the thrombin receptor in human keratinocytes [17].
  • Functional analysis of the HTR promoter was performed by transfecting human microvascular endothelial cells with HTR promoter region-luciferase constructs [15].
  • Proteolysis of the thrombin receptor, protease activated receptor-1 (PAR1), may enhance normal and pathological cellular invasion, and indirect evidence suggests that activation of PAR1 expressed by invasive extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs) influences human placentation [18].
  • The data presented in this report provide a foundation for further characterization of the HTR gene and the mechanisms that regulate its expression within the blood vessel wall [15].

Associations of F2R with chemical compounds

  • These properties of thrombin rely on its action as a serine protease, which cleaves the N-terminal region of a 7-transmembrane G protein receptor (protease-activated receptor, PAR-1), thus exposing a tethered end hexapeptide sequence capable of activating its receptor [14].
  • Several new target genes previously documented to influence bone formation were up-regulated by DHEA such as Notch 2, insulin receptor, thrombin receptor (PAR1) [19].
  • Additional studies using sense and antisense par-1 cDNA-transfected SCCHN cell lines illustrated that the presence of PAR-1 was required for the expression of involucrin, a keratinocyte differentiation marker [20].
  • Sustained stimulation of platelet thrombin receptor is associated with tyrosine dephosphorylation of a novel p67 peptide in a manner regulated by extracellular calcium [21].
  • The role of platelet glycoprotein Ib as a thrombin receptor has been often a subject of controversy [22].

Physical interactions of F2R


Enzymatic interactions of F2R


Regulatory relationships of F2R

  • The thrombin receptor (TR) and proteinase activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) may represent the prototypes of an emerging family of cell-surface receptors that effect cell activation events mediated by serine proteases generated during inflammatory, fibrinolytic or haemostatic-regulated pathways [30].
  • The thrombin receptor PAR1 has now been shown to be cleaved and activated on the tumor cell surface by stromal-derived MMP1 [31].
  • These data support a model that the N-terminal alphaN helix of the Galpha subunit is physically interposed between PAR1 and the Gbeta subunit and directly assists in transferring the signal between agonist-activated receptor and G protein [32].
  • We conclude that cross-talk from the CD36 receptor influences the responsive state of the endothelial thrombin receptor family and/or its signaling pathway [33].
  • The increase in lung microvascular permeability in response to PAR-1 activation was inhibited in TRPC4-/- mice [34].

Other interactions of F2R


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of F2R


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