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Myoelectric Complex, Migrating

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Disease relevance of Myoelectric Complex, Migrating


Psychiatry related information on Myoelectric Complex, Migrating

  • To determine the role of vagal nerves in initiation and modulation of the gastric migrating motor complex (MMC), motor activity was recorded in four dogs before and after total abdominal vagotomy during fasting, after exogenous intravenous motilin and insulin, and after feeding [4].

High impact information on Myoelectric Complex, Migrating


Chemical compound and disease context of Myoelectric Complex, Migrating


Biological context of Myoelectric Complex, Migrating


Anatomical context of Myoelectric Complex, Migrating


Associations of Myoelectric Complex, Migrating with chemical compounds


Gene context of Myoelectric Complex, Migrating


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Myoelectric Complex, Migrating


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