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Cckar  -  cholecystokinin A receptor

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: CCK-A receptor, CCK-AR, CCK1-R, Cholecystokinin receptor type A, Cholecystokinin-1 receptor
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Disease relevance of Cckar


Psychiatry related information on Cckar


High impact information on Cckar


Chemical compound and disease context of Cckar


Biological context of Cckar


Anatomical context of Cckar


Associations of Cckar with chemical compounds

  • The cDNA sequence encodes a 452-amino acid protein that is 48% identical to the CCKA receptor and contains seven transmembrane domains characteristics of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein-coupled receptors [23].
  • None of the three known phases of the febrile response of rats to LPS requires the CCK-A receptor [24].
  • Overexpression of messenger RNA for cholecystokinin-A receptor and novel expression of messenger RNA for gastrin (cholecystokinin-B) receptor in azaserine-induced rat pancreatic carcinoma [19].
  • Thus, devazepide, a selective CCK-A receptor antagonist, produced a dose-related inhibition of the CCK-8-stimulated rise in circulating beta-endorphin concentrations [25].
  • CCK-8-evoked cationic current was antagonized by lorglumide, a selective CCK-A receptor antagonist [26].

Physical interactions of Cckar

  • Thus, Lys120 outside the TM2 and Arg352 outside the TM6 of the CCK-AR are amino acids interacting with Tyr[SO(3)H]27 and Asp32 of the CCK peptide for binding [21].
  • In conclusion, our results demonstrate CCKA receptor activation causes rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of p130(Cas) through PLC-dependent and -independent mechanisms that require the participation of the small GTP-binding protein Rho and the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton, but not the microtubule network [27].
  • The high-affinity CCK-AR appears to be coupled to the Gbeta/cPLA2/arachidonic acid (AA) cascade in mediating Ca2+ oscillations [28].
  • The low-affinity CCK-AR is coupled to both the Galphaq/11/PLCbeta1/inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) to evoke intracellular Ca2+ release and the Src/PTK pathway to mediate extracellular Ca2+ influx [28].

Regulatory relationships of Cckar

  • We examined whether the CCK-A and CCK-B receptor genes are expressed in the islets and the role of CCK-A receptor in insulin secretion [29].
  • The CCKB selective agonist, pentagastrin, was inactive when applied at concentrations up to 10 microM. the CCKA receptor antagonist L-364,718 (1 to 100 nM) blocked the response to cholecystokinin [30].
  • These results indicate that CCK-8 stimulates pepsinogen secretion via CCK-2 receptors in CCK-1 receptor deficient OLETF rats and that the higher CCK-8-stimulated as well as basal pepsinogen secretion in OLETF rats might result from an elimination of tonic inhibition by somatostatin that is released from D cells through mainly CCK-1 receptors [31].
  • In contrast, all three stimuli are known to increase PLD activity readily in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing the rat pancreatic acinar cell CCKA receptor [32].
  • The specific gastrin antagonist L-365,260 inhibited the (partial) agonist activity of PD-136,450 in the stomach and the specific CCK-A receptor antagonist L-364,718 inhibited the agonist activity of PD-136,450 in the pancreas [33].

Other interactions of Cckar

  • In a previous study, we developed a new antagonist radioligand, 125I-Bolton-Hunter-labeled JMV-179, for the CCK-A receptor (CCK-AR), to analyze CCK antagonist binding sites in pancreatic plasma membranes [18].
  • To gain a better understanding of the roles of CCK-A and CCK-B receptors in spinal nociceptive transmission during inflammation, this study evaluated the effects of intrathecally administered FK480 (a CCK-A receptor antagonist) and YM022 (a CCK-B receptor antagonist) [34].
  • Increase in CYP1A1 and decrease in CCKAR expressions in vacuolated acinar cells may be involved in the pathogenesis of pancreatic lesions [22].
  • Also in the latter, in the vacuolated acinar cells, CYP1A1 was overexpressed, and statistically significant decreases in expressions of AhR, CCKAR, and amylase occurred [22].
  • Devazepide (3 mg x kg(-1)), a selective CCKA receptor antagonist, effectively attenuated the OT-induced inhibition of gastric emptying [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cckar

  • Further to this, immunofluorecsence staining using anti-glucagon antibody was carried out after in situ hybridization using the CCK-AR cRNA probe in order to identify CCK-AR mRNA expressing cells [20].
  • Pancreatic CCK-1R protein was evaluated by immunoblot analysis and immunohistochemistry with a polyclonal antibody against rat CCK-1R protein [1].
  • Pancreatic CCK-1R mRNA was determined by Northern blot analysis [1].
  • METHODS: CCK-AR and CCK-BR mRNA expression and cellular distribution in the rat lung were detected by highly sensitive method of in situ reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and conventional in situ hybridization [36].
  • Pretreatment with the CCK-A receptor antagonist, lorglumide (1 microM), antagonized the effects of CCK-8s, whereas perfusion with the CCK-B preferring agonist CCK-8 nonsulfated (CCK-ns, 1 microM) did not affect the frequency of sEPSCs [37].


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