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Disease relevance of Thyrotoxicosis


Psychiatry related information on Thyrotoxicosis


High impact information on Thyrotoxicosis


Chemical compound and disease context of Thyrotoxicosis


Biological context of Thyrotoxicosis


Anatomical context of Thyrotoxicosis


Gene context of Thyrotoxicosis

  • Clinical thyrotoxicosis is directly caused by autoantibodies that activate the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) [26].
  • GH peak values (mean +/- SE; micrograms per L) were significantly lower in hyperthyroid patients compared to those in control subjects after GHRH alone (9.0 +/- 1.3 vs. 27.0 +/- 5.2) and GHRP-6 plus GHRH (22.5 +/- 3.5 vs. 83.7 +/- 15.2); a lack of the normal synergistic effect of the association of both peptides was observed in thyrotoxicosis [27].
  • Moreover, thyrotoxicosis was accompanied by a 3-fold increase in beta 2-adrenoceptor number (P < 0.005), but unchanged beta 1-adrenoceptor levels [28].
  • On the other hand, we were able to identify the R83H mutation in the KCNE3 gene in one sporadic case of THypoKPP, a man who had been asymptomatic until developing thyrotoxicosis caused by Graves' disease; we confirmed the disease-causing mutation in 2 of 3 descendants [29].
  • CONCLUSION: Adult-onset type 1 diabetic patients some years post-diagnosis from central Africa show GAD, IA2 or TPO Abs; and surprisingly, patients with thyrotoxicosis had a similar frequency of diabetes-associated autoantibodies [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Thyrotoxicosis


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