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Gene Review

NOVA2  -  neuro-oncological ventral antigen 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ANOVA, Astrocytic NOVA1-like RNA-binding protein, NOVA3, Neuro-oncological ventral antigen 2, RNA-binding protein Nova-2
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Disease relevance of NOVA2


Psychiatry related information on NOVA2

  • The neuronal RNA-binding protein Nova-2 is implicated as the autoantigen targeted in POMA patients with dementia [5].
  • ANOVA was used to compare the average time spent in moderate, hard, and very hard physical activities according to BMI status in boys and girls in grades 3, 7, and 11 [6].
  • RESULTS: Protocol 1: In the absence of esophageal acid, ketamine had no effect on either esophageal or foot pain thresholds (area-under-the-curve, [AUC] P = 0.36 esophagus, P = 0.34 foot, ANOVA) within 30 minutes of cessation of the infusion [7].
  • Adjusted Reelin-positive cell densities were also reduced in CA4 areas of subjects with bipolar disorder (ANOVA, P < 0.001) and nonsignificantly in those with major depression [8].
  • Although the mental health summary score declined significantly over time for the structured intermittent group, linear mixed modeling ANOVA indicated no significant difference across time for MOS-HIV summary and Symptom Distress Scale scores between the two treatment arms [9].

High impact information on NOVA2

  • Differences in total IL-8 release among groups approached statistical significance (ANOVA, p = 0.07) [10].
  • By two-factor ANOVA, E played the major role in preventing the increase in the bone resorption markers, whereas T had no significant effect [11].
  • During the 2-h SRIF infusion, insulin levels fell, and FFA levels rose from 474+/-22 to 1,042+/-116 micromol (P < 0.01); Mch-induced vasodilation was reduced by approximately 20% (P < 0.02, saline vs. SRIF, ANOVA) [12].
  • Mch-induced vasodilation relative to baseline was reduced by approximately 20% in response to the raised FFA levels in both groups (P < 0.05, saline vs. FFA, ANOVA) [12].
  • However, treatment of ECs with hypoxia-CM produced a threefold increase in 125I-VEGF binding, with peak at 24 h (P < 0.001, ANOVA) [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of NOVA2


Biological context of NOVA2


Anatomical context of NOVA2

  • pasilla, the Drosophila homologue of the human Nova-1 and Nova-2 proteins, is required for normal secretion in the salivary gland [3].
  • These features suggest an immune response against both Nova-1 and Nova-2 antigens throughout the central nervous system [22].
  • The intimal clearance of Lp(a) and LDL was similar and markedly increased in atherosclerotic compared with nonlesioned aortas (ANOVA, effect of atherosclerosis: P < 0.0001) [23].
  • Preoperative expression of HLA-DR epitopes on monocytes was significantly higher in patients given the study treatment (109% [95% CI 92-128]) than those given the control (69% [58-82]) compared with baseline (100%) (p=0.02, repeated measures ANOVA) [24].
  • Sumatriptan caused a significant reduction (p < 0.001 by ANOVA) in mean absolute coronary artery diameter, from 4.36 +/- 1.60 mm at baseline to 3.67 +/- 1.49 mm (16%) at 10 minutes and to 3.63 +/- 1.49 mm (17%) at 30 minutes after injection [25].

Associations of NOVA2 with chemical compounds

  • After the intravenous draflazine infusion, these values were 1.6 +/- 0.2 ml/100 ml forearm per min for placebo and 2.1 +/- 0.3, 3.3 +/- 0.6, 5.8 +/- 1.1, 6.9 +/- 1.4, 14.4 +/- 2.9, and 23.5 +/- 4.0 ml/100 ml forearm per min, respectively (Friedman ANOVA: P < 0.05 before vs after draflazine infusion) [26].
  • Over the total postinfusion period systolic and diastolic arterial pressure were 6 (SEM 2)% and 7 (2)%, respectively, higher than after dextrose infusion (ANOVA, p less than 0.001) [27].
  • Dividing the population into deciles according to total cholesterol and examining the categorical restenosis rate (by chi 2) as well as the absolute and relative loss by ANOVA again revealed no significant differences between deciles [28].
  • Flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery (by ultrasonography) improved (all P<0.001 versus baseline values) on CE (4.0+/-2.6% to 10.2+/-3.9%), simvastatin (4.3+/-2.4% to 10.0+/-3.9%), and CE combined with simvastatin (4.6+/-2.0% to 9.8+/-2.6%), but similarly among therapies (P=0.507 by ANOVA) [29].
  • Group differences in peak exercise blood pressure in cocaine abusers with LVH, cocaine abusers without LVH, and control subjects were assessed by ANOVA [30].

Regulatory relationships of NOVA2

  • An ANOVA revealed medication (p<0.005) and deficit vs. nondeficit syndrome (p<0.05) as factors that influenced S100B significantly [31].
  • Loss of V1 receptor-stimulating activity and V2 receptor-stimulating activity was compared by two-way ANOVA [32].
  • Analysis of blood reticulocyte parameters by ANOVA in a randomized complete block design determined that anemia and EPO induced significant (P < or = 0.05) increases in red cell distribution width and reticulocyte mean cell volume [33].
  • Gender differences in the theta log power difference between alcoholics and controls were explored by using regional repeated-measures ANOVA [34].
  • Two-way ANOVA revealed that quinoa induced lower FFA levels with respect to GF pasta [35].

Other interactions of NOVA2

  • We have therefore named the gene ANOVA, for astrocytic NOVA1-like gene [1].
  • Significant heterogeneity in MLH1 focus frequency across donors was observed for larger chromosome arms (P<0.05, one-way ANOVA) [36].
  • DNA microarray hybridization showed a 3-fold induction of STC2 mRNA expression in MCF-7 cells in < or = 3 h of estrogen exposure and a 3-fold repression in the presence of antiestrogen (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.0005) [37].
  • ERRalpha mRNA was expressed at levels greater than or similar to ERalpha mRNA in 24% of unselected breast tumors, and generally at higher levels than ERalpha in the progesterone receptor (PgR)-negative tumor subgroup (1-way ANOVA with repeated measures, P = 0.030) [38].
  • An area under the curve (AUC(0-8h)) analysis for s-CTX after GLP-2 injection confirmed the dose-dependent decrease (ANOVA, p = 0.05) [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NOVA2

  • However, concentration of interleukin 6 was significantly lower in the treatment group (0.90 pg/L [0.69-1.18]) than in the control group (1.94 pg/L [1.45-2.59]) (p=0.032, repeated measures ANOVA) [24].
  • Multivariate ANOVA revealed a significant group effect (p < 0.001) in difference (vaccination minus baseline) values for percentage facial action, percentage cry time, and visual analogue scale pain scores [40].
  • A significant difference in percentage was observed between the intima area of allografts and that of syngrafts (P < .01, ANOVA) [41].
  • MaxFR was 2.13 +/- 0.53 after PTCA, elasticity 2.83 +/- 0.35 after stenting, and 2.73 +/- 0.58 at follow-up (ANOVA, P < .05) [42].
  • Arteries with AZ1-eluting stents had significantly less platelet deposition (15.8 +/- 4.5 x 10(7)) than either base-polymer (32.1 +/- 4.3 x 10(7)) or anti-CMV-eluting (35.2 +/- 8.8 x 10(7)) controls (ANOVA, P < .0001) [43].


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