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Disease relevance of Debridement


High impact information on Debridement

  • INTERVENTION: Initial debridement and 2-week intravenous course of flucloxacillin or vancomycin with rifampin or placebo, followed by either ciprofloxacin-rifampin or ciprofloxacin-placebo long-term therapy [6].
  • Although the tensile properties of the wounds were unchanged, ultrastructural analysis showed a significantly decreased level of debridement, greater disorganization of matrix, and an alteration of collagen fibrillogenesis leading to small diameter collagen fibrils in the OPN mutant mice [7].
  • Although little studied in vivo, elastin repair is thought to occur through a sequential process involving enzymatic removal (debridement) of damaged fibers followed by synthesis of tropoelastin, its subsequent processing, and eventual incorporation into new insoluble elastin [8].
  • Amphotericin B with surgical debridement of the affected joint was successful treatment in four patients [9].
  • Activin A expression increased steadily from day 2 until day 8 after mechanical debridement in vivo, paralleling vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Debridement


Biological context of Debridement


Anatomical context of Debridement


Associations of Debridement with chemical compounds

  • Human burn tissues (n = 44) representing days 2 to 12 after injury were obtained during surgical debridement, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, and embedded in paraffin [26].
  • Management of individual cases should include surgical débridement combined with high-dose parenteral penicillin, followed by long-term penicillin therapy, orally [27].
  • Therapy, consisting of aggressive surgical debridement, intravenous amphotericin B, and oral flucytosine was unsuccessful in eradicating the organism [28].
  • Cure was achieved by debridement and chemotherapy with ethambutol and rifampin [29].
  • The authors analyzed 27 patients with pancreatic abscess treated since 1975 at hospitals affiliated with the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Treatment consisted of careful debridement, abscess drainage, and multiple antibiotics in all patients [30].

Gene context of Debridement

  • CONCLUSIONS: Corneal epithelial debridement causes a transient upregulation of Shh expression and activation of Shh/Gli-3 signaling cascade in healing corneal and limbal epithelia [31].
  • These lesions either did not resolve and required surgical debridement (5 patients) or resolved slowly with conservative management that included discontinuation of IFN at the specific, involved site [32].
  • METHODS: In 43 consecutive patients with knee OA undergoing arthroscopic debridement, we examined the amount of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in a series of chondral, meniscal, and synovial cultures [33].
  • To explore the cells and components involved in plasminogen activation, we have performed a combined immunohistological and zymographic study on human skin wounds produced iatrogenically by debridement [34].
  • However, in the debridement model, Smad 2 localization remained primarily cytoplasmic [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Debridement

  • Judicious use of immunosuppressive agents, a high index of suspicion, early diagnosis, and combination treatment with amphotericin B and surgical debridement may improve the prognosis of this serious infection [36].
  • Delayed debridement and thrombectomy plus vena cava repair with suturing of liver lacerations in these patients obviated heroic efforts at primary repair [37].
  • Parenteral antibiotics are used as an adjunct to amputation or operative debridement for patients with diabetes who require emergency surgery for a septic foot [38].
  • We have studied the disposition of alfentanil in six patients (who had suffered 10-30% surface area burns 5-21 days previously) undergoing surgical debridement and grafting and compared the data with those from a control group of six patients matched for age, sex and weight undergoing body surface surgery of similar duration [39].
  • The lesion was successfully treated with debridement, local wound care, parenteral administration of amphotericin B, and ultimately by surgical excision and split-thickness skin grafting [40].


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