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Gene Review

LPGP1  -  lipogenic protein 1

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of LPGP1


Psychiatry related information on LPGP1


High impact information on LPGP1

  • When macrophages are stimulated with an endotoxin, they produce a factor or factors, termed cachectin, that inhibits the activity of fat-producing (lipogenic) enzymes in cultured adipocytes [8].
  • The thermogenic effect of CS is small or absent in heavy smokers while the potentially atherogenic effect is maintained, and cessation of CS does not induce a rebound lipogenic milieu that specifically favors accrual of body fat in the absence of increased food intake [9].
  • Precursor enrichments predicted from isotopomer ratios were close to measured SMX-acetate enrichments, indicating that SMX-acetate samples the true lipogenic acetyl-CoA pool [10].
  • As a functional consequence, the lipogenic effect of SREBP2(N) in liver cells was suppressed by ATF6(N) [11].
  • Phagocytosis triggered the proteolytic activation of two lipogenic transcription factors, sterol regulatory element binding protein-1a (SREBP-1a) and SREBP-2 [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of LPGP1


Biological context of LPGP1


Anatomical context of LPGP1


Associations of LPGP1 with chemical compounds

  • The mRNA of the lipogenic transcription factor, carbohydrate response element-binding protein, was undetectable in undifferentiated 3T3-L1 preadipocytes but rose dramatically during differentiation in 25 mM, but not in 5 mM, glucose [27].
  • Northern blot analysis of the steady-state mRNA levels of seven different lipogenic enzymes revealed that androgens coordinately stimulate the expression of enzymes belonging to the two major lipogenic pathways: fatty acid synthesis and cholesterol synthesis [2].
  • These data support the hypothesis that SREBPs are involved in the coordinate regulation of lipogenic gene expression by androgens and provide evidence for the existence of a cascade mechanism of androgen-regulated gene expression [2].
  • Lipid synthesis was accompanied by increased transcription of several lipogenic proteins, including the low-density lipoprotein receptor, enzymes required for cholesterol synthesis (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase), and fatty acid synthase [12].
  • As previous data suggested that protein kinase C plays an important role in the action of insulin and in the insulin-like effects of hGH in rat adipocytes, we tested the effects of sphingosine, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C, on the lipogenic activity of both hormones [28].

Physical interactions of LPGP1


Regulatory relationships of LPGP1

  • This observation led us to hypothesize that PUFA coordinately inhibit lipogenic gene transcription by suppressing the expression of SREBP-1 [30].
  • Prolactin replacement in bromocriptine-treated hamsters reversed the inhibitory effect of bromocriptine on hepatocyte lipogenesis and promoted dramatic lipogenic responses to insulin at 07.00 h [31].
  • The S14 (spot 14) gene encodes a protein that is predominantly expressed in lipogenic tissues, such as the liver, white and brown adipose tissues and the lactating mammary glands [32].
  • Acting on hepatocytes, glucagon promotes (and insulin inhibits) cAMP-dependent mechanisms that down-regulate lipogenic enzymes and cholesterol synthesis, while up-regulating hepatic LDL receptors and production of the IGF-I antagonist IGFBP-1 [33].

Other interactions of LPGP1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of LPGP1


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