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Body Image

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Disease relevance of Body Image


Psychiatry related information on Body Image

  • Body image disturbances in anorexia nervosa patients have been assessed in an experimental study which dealt with the following issues: Three different procedures for the assessment of body image disturbances were compared in a discriminant function analysis: a Video Monitor Procedure, the Movable Caliper Procedure and the Image Marking Procedure [6].
  • MEASUREMENTS: Standardized self-report scales on distress (SCL-90R), eating behavior (FEV), interpersonal problems (IIP), body image (FKB-20), life satisfaction (IRES) [7].
  • The potential of specific antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) to cause clinically significant changes in bodyweight is a key consideration in the management of epilepsy; changes in weight can pose health hazards, impair body image and self-esteem, and lead to noncompliance with therapy [8].
  • On all seven HRQOL measures (impact of cancer and treatment, concern regarding body image, mental health, general health, activity, worries about cancer and dying, and energy), there were statistically significant decrements associated with androgen deprivation [9].
  • The Dysmorphic group reported a pattern of body image disturbance consistent with MD by displaying a high overall level of body image disturbance, symptoms of associated psychopathology, steroid use, and appearance-controlling behavior [10].

High impact information on Body Image

  • RESULTS: Compared with healthy controls, subjects with a history of BN had significant lowering of mood, increases in ratings of body image concern, and subjective loss of control of eating following the tryptophan-free mixture [11].
  • Whole body images of anesthetized mice taken at various time points after cell infusion revealed the early migration of allogeneic cells to peripheral lymphoid organs, with later infiltration of GVHD target organs [12].
  • Body image and attitudes toward male roles in anabolic-androgenic steroid users [13].
  • Whole body images of HO-1 transcription patterns did, however; reveal increases in HO-1 transcription in Tg mice after treatment with other Mps, heme and cadmium chloride (CdCl(2)) [14].
  • Each subject took part in investigations of body image, using a distorting photograph technique, and interoception, using a satiety aversion to sucrose test [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Body Image

  • This report documents the importance of measuring plasma prednisolone concentrations to diagnose noncompliance, especially in adolescents who are overly concerned about their body image [16].
  • The finding that m-CPP temporarily improved mood and reduced body image distortions supports the hypothesis that altered serotonin activity may contribute to the pathophysiology of AN [17].
  • Data showed that the women in the exercise group improved significantly in body image (Physical Condition and Weight Concerns subscales) vs control group participants at post-treatment [18].
  • This result is consistent with a mechanism for the development of a disturbance in body image proposed by Cooper and Taylor (British Journal of Psychiatry 153 [Suppl. 2] 20-22, 1988) [19].
  • Indium-111 tropolonate labeled autologous platelets were used to determine mean platelet life and platelet production rate; total body images were also acquired [20].

Biological context of Body Image

  • The psychosocial problems commonly reported in relation to parenteral nutrition are distress from loss of normal eating ability, depression, body image changes, fear of problems with apparatus, and decreased sexual activity [21].
  • Analysis indicated that body image and adiposity were significantly (p<.01) related for the whole sample, for boys and girls and for White children, Black children, and Asian children [22].

Anatomical context of Body Image

  • As expected, the treatment was not able to reduce the subjects' highly distorted perception of body image, due to the fact that GH treatment, despite a clear amelioration of lean/fat body mass ratio, did not change their body proportions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[23]

Gene context of Body Image


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Body Image


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