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Cote d'Ivoire

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Disease relevance of Cote d'Ivoire


Psychiatry related information on Cote d'Ivoire

  • The goal of this study was to provide the first data on dominance relationships of sooty mangabey females in their natural environment in the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast. In our study group, adult females formed a linear dominance hierarchy [5].

High impact information on Cote d'Ivoire

  • In addition, the beta S- and beta C-genes in Togo are found to be tightly linked to the 13-kilobase Hpa 1 fragment, whereas 72% of the beta S-genes in the Ivory Coast reside on the 7.6-kilobase Hpa 1 fragment [6].
  • Molecular polymorphism at the Adh locus in the Ivory Coast is not higher than in North American populations [7].
  • Genetic polymorphism of apolipoprotein H (beta 2-glycoprotein I) in African blacks from the Ivory Coast [8].
  • Based on partial env and pol (protease and RT) subtyping, we recently documented that the majority (>80%) of the HIV-1 strains that circulate in Côte d'Ivoire were CRF02_AG and about 11% were recombinants or could not be clearly assigned to a known subtype or CRF [9].
  • BACKGROUND: Previous studies have described an important selenium deficiency in a mountain region (Glanle) in the west of Ivory Coast. AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess the antioxidant capacity of subjects from a selenium deficient area in Ivory Coast (Glanle region) [10].

Biological context of Cote d'Ivoire


Anatomical context of Cote d'Ivoire


Associations of Cote d'Ivoire with chemical compounds

  • Susceptibilities to co-trimoxazole of pathogens isolated from blood and stool specimens in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 1994 to 1996 [15].
  • The first study, carried out in the Ivory Coast, involved the application of an endrin/DDT/methylparathion (MEP) formulation in an aromatic hydrocarbon solvent [16].
  • Absorption was confirmed by the presence in urine of metabolites of endrin and methylparathion in the Ivory Coast study, and of dimethyl phosphate in the Indonesia study [16].
  • Drug sensitivities of seven Trypanosoma b. gambiense isolates from patients in the Ivory Coast were measured for Mel B, suramin and lomidine using an in vitro incorporation test [17].
  • These cases should alert physicians in other parts of the world, who may have to treat travelers from Central and West Africa, and particularly from the Ivory Coast, to the possibility that the malaria contracted in these areas may be chloroquine-resistant [18].

Gene context of Cote d'Ivoire

  • The MHC (BoLA) type has been determined for cattle from three breeds in West Africa. Seventy Baoule, 50 N'Dama and 30 Zebu cattle from the centre and north of the Ivory Coast were tested [19].
  • Fungal colonies sporulating on 71 kinds of leaves that fell during the dry season in the Tai National Park (Ivory Coast) were analysed [20].
  • Studies on the major histocompatibility complex of indigenous cattle in the Ivory Coast [19].
  • The Hôpital Protestant de Dabou (HPD), a private charitable hospital located in a rural area of the Ivory Coast, has seen its activity decreasing significantly since the beginning of the 1990s [21].
  • A stock regarded as Trypanosoma brucei, derived from a domestic pig in the Ivory Coast, retained its BIIT negative (serum sensitive), alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) and peptidase 2 (PEP 2) characteristics throughout 343 days of infection in pigs [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cote d'Ivoire


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  3. Seroepidemiologic studies of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis virus (enterovirus type 70) in West Africa. II. Studies with human sera collected in West African countries other than Ghana. Kono, R., Miyamura, K., Yamazaki, S., Sasagawa, A., Kurahashi, H., Tajiri, E., Takeda, N., Robin, Y., Renaudet, J., Ishii, K., Nakazono, N., Sawada, H., Uchida, Y., Minami, K. Am. J. Epidemiol. (1981) [Pubmed]
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  5. Familiarity and dominance relations among female sooty mangabeys in the Taï National Park. Range, F., Noë, R. Am. J. Primatol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  6. Sickle gene. Its origin and diffusion from West Africa. Mears, J.G., Lachman, H.M., Cabannes, R., Amegnizin, K.P., Labie, D., Nagel, R.L. J. Clin. Invest. (1981) [Pubmed]
  7. Molecular variation of Adh and P6 genes in an African population of Drosophila melanogaster and its relation to chromosomal inversions. Bénassi, V., Aulard, S., Mazeau, S., Veuille, M. Genetics (1993) [Pubmed]
  8. Genetic polymorphism of apolipoprotein H (beta 2-glycoprotein I) in African blacks from the Ivory Coast. Cleve, H., Vogt, U., Kamboh, M.I. Electrophoresis (1992) [Pubmed]
  9. Presence of CRF09_cpx and complex CRF02_AG/CRF09_cpx recombinant HIV type 1 strains in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa. Toni, T., Adjé-Touré, C., Vidal, N., Minga, A., Huet, C., Borger, M.Y., Recordon-Pinson, P., Masquelier, B., Nolan, M., Nkengasong, J., Fleury, H.J., Delaporte, E., Peeters, M. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses (2005) [Pubmed]
  10. Lack of oxidative stress in a selenium deficient area in Ivory Coast--potential nutritional antioxidant role of crude palm oil. Tiahou, G., Maire, B., Dupuy, A., Delage, M., Vernet, M.H., Mathieu-Daudé, J.C., Michel, F., Sess, E.D., Cristol, J.P. European journal of nutrition. (2004) [Pubmed]
  11. Serological relationships and epitope profiles of isolates of okra leaf curl geminivirus from Africa and the Middle East. Swanson, M.M., Harrison, B.D. Biochimie (1993) [Pubmed]
  12. HLA-B allele frequencies in Côte d'Ivoire defined by direct DNA sequencing: identification of HLA-B*1405, B*4410, and B*5302. Ellis, J.M., Hoyer, R.J., Costello, C.N., Mshana, R.N., Quakyi, I.A., Mshana, M.N., Diaby, B., Traore, M., Johnson, A.H., Hurley, C.K. Tissue Antigens (2001) [Pubmed]
  13. Molecular genetics of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in a population of newborns from Ivory Coast. Coulibaly, F.H., Koffi, G., Touré, H.A., Bouanga, J.C., Allangba, O., Tolo, A., Sawadogo, D., Sanogo, I., Konaté, S., Préhu, C., Sangaré, A., Galacteros, F. Clin. Biochem. (2000) [Pubmed]
  14. Pharmacokinetic properties of the trypanocidal drug melarsoprol. Burri, C., Baltz, T., Giroud, C., Doua, F., Welker, H.A., Brun, R. Chemotherapy. (1993) [Pubmed]
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  20. Comparative studies on microfungi in tropical ecosystems in Ivory Coast forest litter: behaviour on different substrata. Rambelli, A., Mulas, B., Pasqualetti, M. Mycol. Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  24. Application of high--performance liquid chromatography to abnormal hemoglobin studies. Characterization of hemoglobins D in Ivory Coast and description of a new variant hb Cocody (beta 21 (B3) Asp leads to Asn). Boissel, J.P., Wajcman, H., Fabritius, H., Cabannes, R., Labie, D. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1981) [Pubmed]
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