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Disease relevance of CCRIS 173


High impact information on CCRIS 173

  • Gene expression patterns in HCCs from Acox1(-/-) mice and in ciprofibrate-induced HCCs were least similar to those observed in human HCCs [6].
  • Peroxisome proliferator-induced hepatocarcinogenesis: histochemical analysis of ciprofibrate-induced preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions for gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity [7].
  • A significant increase in the volume density of peroxisomes, together with immunochemically detectable amounts of two peroxisome-associated enzymes, was observed in pancreas with hepatocytes of rats maintained on ciprofibrate [1].
  • Here we report the identification of such a transcriptionally active PPAR alpha-interacting cofactor (PRIC) complex from rat liver nuclear extracts that interacts with full-length PPAR alpha in the presence of ciprofibrate, a synthetic ligand, and leukotriene B(4), a natural ligand [8].
  • T3 inhibited ciprofibrate-induced luciferase activity as well as the endogenous peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes in transgenic mice carrying a 3.2-kb 5'-flanking region of the rat peroxisomal enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase gene fused to the coding region of luciferase [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of CCRIS 173


Biological context of CCRIS 173


Anatomical context of CCRIS 173

  • Gel retardation analysis with nuclear extracts demonstrated that ciprofibrate-treated or untreated H4IIEC3 cells, but not HeLa cells or monkey kidney cells, contained sequence-specific DNA binding factors that interact with the PPRE [2].
  • Characterization of ciprofibrate and clofibric acid as peroxisomal proliferators in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes [19].
  • The volume density of peroxisomes in transplanted hepatocytes increased 9.2- and 5.3-fold, respectively, in ciprofibrate- and DEHP-fed rats, whereas the volume density of mitochondria remained essentially unchanged [20].
  • Rats were fed the peroxisome proliferator ciprofibrate (0.025%), and the effects on the expression, modification, and localization of seven domain-specific integral proteins of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane were assessed using a combination of immunoblotting, -precipitation, and -fluorescence [17].
  • In contrast, in the kidney, small intestine, and heart the increases in the mRNA levels of all three beta-oxidation genes were small and varied from 2- to 4-fold following ciprofibrate treatment [21].

Associations of CCRIS 173 with other chemical compounds

  • Young male F-344 rats transplanted with dissociated hepatocytes were fed either a control diet or a diet containing 0.025% ciprofibrate or 2% DEHP [22].
  • Treatment of LDLR-deficient mice with ciprofibrate caused a marked decrease in plasma apoB-48-carrying IDL and LDL but at the same time caused a large accumulation of triglyceride-depleted apoB-100-carrying IDL and LDL, resulting in a significant increase in plasma cholesterol levels [23].
  • The effects of ciprofibrate (100 mg/d) on apolipoprotein (apo)B- and apoAI-containing lipoprotein subclasses, cholesteryl ester (CE) transfer protein activity, and plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-mediated cellular cholesterol efflux were evaluated in 10 patients displaying type IIB hyperlipidemia [24].
  • Ciprofibrate treatment did not affect either endpoint, but catalase overexpression increased the concentrations of malondialdehyde (in untreated mice only) and conjugated dienes (in both untreated and ciprofibrate-fed mice) [25].
  • LY171883 and its structural analogue, LY189585, as well as the hypolipidaemic peroxisome proliferators clofibric acid, ciprofibrate, bezafibrate and WY14,643, displaced [3H]oleic acid binding to FABP [26].

Gene context of CCRIS 173

  • After 150 days of treatment with ciprofibrate, consistent with the increased plasma accumulation of apoB-100-carrying IDL and LDL, the LDLR-deficient mice displayed severe atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta [23].
  • Administration of dexamethasone to mice in combination with ciprofibrate produced expression of the acidic SBP2 at 23% of the control level and the basic SBP2 at 36%, a slightly moderated reduction compared with the decrease that occurred with ciprofibrate alone [27].
  • MMP-9 was specifically induced in CBS -/+ mice and inhibited by CF treatment [28].
  • The highest activation of LPL was obtained after treatment with 200 mg ciprofibrate/day [29].
  • A modest, but statistically significant, increase in HL activity was found after 100 or 200 mg ciprofibrate treatment [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CCRIS 173

  • In RH nodules the Ya subunit of glutathione-S-transferase B (GST-B) and the Yb subunit of GST-A were increased 2-4-fold as compared to normal liver or in replicating liver following a 70% partial hepatectomy, while in CP nodules the Yb subunit was unaltered and the Ya subunit increased 4-fold as compared to normal [30].
  • Electrophoretic mobility shift assay analysis showed that ciprofibrate elicited a concentration-dependent increase in the binding of nuclear extracts from cells of rat (Morris) and human (HepG2) origin to an ACO-peroxisome proliferator response element probe, although in HepG2 cells the increase was of marginal statistical significance [31].
  • Human HepG2 and rat Fao hepatic-derived cell lines show different responses to ciprofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator: analysis by flow cytometry [32].
  • Here we report that mRNA for alpha 2u-globulin, a rodent male specific protein, is markedly reduced or undetectable by Northern blot analysis of total RNA in the livers of rats treated with ciprofibrate [33].
  • Changes in the profile of liver proteins in rats following induction of peroxisome proliferation by ciprofibrate, Wy-14,643 and DEHP have been analysed by high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis [34].


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