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Gene Review

Cat  -  catalase

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 2210418N07, Cas-1, Cas1, Catalase, Cs-1
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Disease relevance of Cat


Psychiatry related information on Cat


High impact information on Cat

  • This augmented peroxisome population was accompanied by significant elevation of liver catalase activity [11].
  • In addition, administration of scavengers of reactive oxygen metabolites, such as catalase and desferrioxamine, did not prevent the albuminuria in this model [12].
  • Aminotriazole inhibition of lymphokine-activated cells' catalase or of toxoplasma catalase was effective in inducing these macrophages to display antitoxoplasma activity [13].
  • Inhibition of IB and IM macrophage catalase by aminotriazole maintained toxoplasmastatic activity otherwise lost after 48 h of cultivation [13].
  • The activities of the endogenous O2- and H2O2 scavenging enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathionine peroxidase (GP), and catalase, were measured in lysates of the intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, and in various macrophage populations [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cat


Biological context of Cat

  • Thus an altered Sod1/(Gpx1 plus Cat) ratio may also affect gene expression by altering the binding and/or availability of transcription factors to DNA [19].
  • We propose that it is the balance in the activity of the Sod to Gpx plus Cat ratio (Sod/(Gpx plus Cat)) that is an important determinant of cellular aging [19].
  • Significant differences in copper zinc superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were not noted and the levels of total, reduced and oxidized glutathione were similar in transgene (+) and (-) animals [20].
  • The level of catalase activity remained low in the remnant kidneys of acatalasemic mice until week 18 without compensatory up-regulation of glutathione peroxidase or superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity [2].
  • In contrast, inactivation of catalase caused substantial cell death only in GPx1(-/-) cells but not in wild-type astrocytes [21].

Anatomical context of Cat


Associations of Cat with chemical compounds

  • The mouse catalase (Cat or Cas1) gene was disrupted by replacing parts of intron 4 and exon 5 with a neomycin resistance cassette [22].
  • Notably, SNs from both Cat KO and old mice were deficient in removing extracellular challenges of H(2)O(2) [27].
  • An imbalance in the ratio of Sod to Gpx and Cat results in the accumulation of H2O2 which may participate in the Fenton reaction, resulting in the formation of noxious hydroxyl radicals [19].
  • However, mice deficient in catalase were not more vulnerable to hyperoxia-induced lung injury; nor did their lenses show any increased susceptibility to oxidative stress generated by photochemical reaction, suggesting that the antioxidant function of catalase in these two models of oxidant injury is negligible [22].
  • Coexpression of MnSOD and catalase provided synergistic protection against peroxynitrite and STZ [1].

Physical interactions of Cat

  • Further evidence for the involvement of ROS in NF-kappaB activation is that 1 mM H2O2 enhanced NF-kappaB/DNA binding and that this activation was inhibited by catalase [28].

Regulatory relationships of Cat


Other interactions of Cat


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cat


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