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Chemical Compound Review

Dolobid     5-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-2- hydroxy-benzoic acid

Synonyms: Dolobis, Dolocid, diflunisal, Nu-Diflunisal, Apo-Diflunisal, ...
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Disease relevance of Dolobid


Psychiatry related information on Dolobid


High impact information on Dolobid


Chemical compound and disease context of Dolobid


Biological context of Dolobid


Anatomical context of Dolobid

  • In none of 28 patients studied could any trace of diflunisal be observed in cerebrospinal fluid, even though the sensitivity of the assay allowed detection of concentrations as low as 0.01 mg/L [18].
  • The AUC for diflunisal in synovial fluid collected from 66 patients was about 70% of that for plasma [18].
  • Glucuronidation of diflunisal by rat liver microsomes. Effect of microsomal beta-glucuronidase activity [19].
  • Ionophoretic and inhibitory action of the analgesic, diflunisal, on sarcoplasmic reticulum [20].
  • NSAIDs comprised an interesting pharmacological class in that some compounds, notably diflunisal, co-clustered with peroxisome proliferators whereas several others co-clustered with macrophage activators, possibly due to endotoxin exposure secondary to their adverse effects on the gastrointestinal system [21].

Associations of Dolobid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Dolobid


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dolobid

  • Diflunisal plus codeine was better than placebo from 1 1/2 to 8 hours (p less than 0.01), better than codeine from 1 1/2 to 6 hours (p less than 0.05), and better than diflunisal alone from 1/2 to 1 1/2 hours (p less than 0.05) for most measures of analgesia [4].
  • In a double-blind crossover study in 2 subjects, diflunisal, 250 mg twice daily again did not significantly affect fecal blood loss during a 4-day treatment period, and there also was no significant effth diflunisal during two additional treatment days [30].
  • A double-blind study of diflunisal and codeine compared with codeine or diflunisal alone in postoperative pain [4].
  • Binding studies with plasma from uremic patients during hemodialysis revealed that free diflunisal rose from 0.46 +/- 0.04% at the start to 0.61 +/- 0.06% at the end of dialysis [16].
  • The activity of ALP is measured with the substrate diflunisal phosphate; the released diflunisal forms highly fluorescent complexes with Tb(3+)-EDTA that are quantified with microsecond time-resolved fluorometry [31].


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