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Chemical Compound Review

BW-755C     1-[3- (trifluoromethyl)phenyl]- 4,5...

Synonyms: CHEMBL274642, AG-G-48466, SureCN2573191, CHEBI:103667, AC1L2IRR, ...
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Disease relevance of BW-755C

  • To determine whether invading leukocytes mediate these responses, acute inflammatory cell influx was suppressed either by inducing leukopenia with nitrogen mustard or by administration of BW-755C, a mixed cyclooxygenase-lipoxygenase inhibitor [1].
  • The protein inhibited edema when rats were pretreated with agents that depleted mast-cell amines, kininogen, or polymorphonuclear leukocytes prior to initiation of the carrageenin edema but had no inhibitory action when rats were pretreated with the dual cyclooxygenase/lipoxygenase inhibitor BW 755C [2].
  • BW755C significantly reduced myocardial infarct size compared with that in control animals, as measured by infarct/risk areas by histochemical staining (39 +/- 5% vs. 63 +/- 7%, p < 0.05) [3].
  • In 9 control and 10 study pigs pretreated with intravenous BW755C (10 mg/kg body weight) 30 min before coronary occlusion, ischemia was induced by a 50-min occlusion of the mid-left anterior descending coronary artery, followed by 3 h of reperfusion [3].
  • Using mesentery, the effects were tested of BW755C, a lipoxygenase inhibitor, and of SM9064, a LTB4 receptor antagonist, upon the increase in leucocyte adherence observed during hypoxia [4].

High impact information on BW-755C


Chemical compound and disease context of BW-755C


Biological context of BW-755C


Anatomical context of BW-755C


Associations of BW-755C with other chemical compounds

  • In ischemic gerbils treated with 15 and 100 mg/kg AA-861 and 30 mg/kg BW-755C, the average neuronal densities were 12 +/- 1, 13 +/- 1, and 14 +/- 2, respectively [23].
  • In ischemic gerbils with vehicle administration, the average neuronal densities were 13 +/- 2, 14 +/- 2, 13 +/- 2, and 13 +/- 1 for piroxicam, flurbiprofen, AA-861, and BW-755C, respectively [23].
  • In addition to histamine-H1 blockers, lipoxygenase inhibitors (nordihydroguaiarectic acid and BW 755C) and leukotriene blockers (FPL 55712 and LY 171883) are also potent inhibitors of CBE-induced RGC secretion [24].
  • Phenidone and BW 755C are also to be cyclooxygenase inhibitors [25].
  • Moreover, the inhibitory effect of 8-OH-DPAT on the carbachol response was blocked by 10 microM quinacrine (a phospholipase A2 inhibitor) but not by BW 755C (100 microM), a cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase inhibitor [26].

Gene context of BW-755C


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BW-755C

  • In animals treated with BW755C, renal allograft blood flow was maintained over the postoperative 5-day period at levels comparable to blood flow to the native kidneys [32].
  • BW755C (10 mg/kg i.v., n = 10) significantly reduced this mural platelet deposition by more than 50% to 25.4 +/- 5.3 x 10(6)/cm2 (P < .05) and decreased 111In neutrophil deposition from 240.6 +/- 30.4 x 10(3)/cm2 in the control group to 114.4 +/- 20.4 x 10(3)/cm2 (P < .005) in the treated group [17].
  • These results indicate that the dual lipoxygenase/cyclooxygenase inhibitor BW755C prevents the acute thrombotic and vasomotor responses related to arterial injury by angioplasty, predominantly through inhibition of neutrophil function [17].
  • Thirty minutes before occlusion, animals randomly received BW755C, 3 mg/kg (n = 7), or 10 mg/kg (n = 8), or saline (n = 16) by intravenous infusion [33].
  • Atropine and leukotriene inhibitors (LY171883 and BW755C) were not found to have a significant protective effect on WDE-induced constriction [34].


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