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Chemical Compound Review

AC1LA63C     [5-(4-amino-2-oxo-pyrimidin- 1-yl)-3-[[3...

Synonyms: 5'-pCAC-3'
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Disease relevance of Trinucleotides


Psychiatry related information on Trinucleotides

  • Huntington's disease and repeating trinucleotides [6].
  • We thus cannot conclude that CAG/CTG trinucleotides are involved in psychotic disorders and that either the differences observed in similar studies may be the result of population stratification, or that the increased frequency of larger repeats amongst affected individuals is a much smaller effect than previously thought [7].

High impact information on Trinucleotides

  • RESULTS: One hundred forty of the 187 patients, with ages at onset ranging from 2 to 51 years, were homozygous for a GAA expansion that had 120 to 1700 repeats of the trinucleotides [8].
  • Analysis of 84 human X chromosomes for the presence of interrupting AGG trinucleotides within the CGG repeat tract of the FMR1 gene revealed that most alleles possess two interspersed AGGs and that the longest tract of uninterrupted CGG repeats is usually found at the 3' end [9].
  • We now find that certain di- and trinucleotides with free 3' hydroxyl groups reopen the circular IVS at the cyclization junction, producing a linear molecule with the oligonucleotide covalently attached to its 5' end [10].
  • Loss-of-function kryptonite alleles resemble mutants in the DNA methyltransferase gene CHROMOMETHYLASE3 (CMT3), showing loss of cytosine methylation at sites of CpNpG trinucleotides (where N is A, C, G or T) and reactivation of endogenous retrotransposon sequences [11].
  • The results show how modular finger interactions with trinucleotides can be used, in conjunction with alternative splicing, to alter the binding specificity and increase the spectrum of sites recognized by a DNA binding domain [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Trinucleotides


Biological context of Trinucleotides

  • The results are consistent with modular interactions between zinc fingers and trinucleotides and also suggest rules for recognition of AT-rich DNA sites by zinc finger proteins [12].
  • During the second phase, the nucleotide sequences of RNA codons were deciphered by determining the species of aminoacyl-tRNA that bound to ribosomes in response to trinucleotides of known sequence [14].
  • Because the experimental support for the C(II)(oligo) rule is much less complete, the present article, focusing on the special case of trinucleotides (triplets), examined several gigabases of genome sequences from a wide range of species and kingdoms including organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts [15].
  • RNA helical oligonucleotides that recapitulate the acceptor stems of transfer RNAs, and that are devoid of the anticodon trinucleotides of the genetic code, are aminoacylated by aminoacyl tRNA synthetases [16].
  • Oligonucleotides that recapitulate the acceptor stems of tRNAs are substrates for aminoacylation by many tRNA synthetases in vitro, even though these substrates are missing the anticodon trinucleotides of the genetic code [17].

Anatomical context of Trinucleotides

  • The Xi in normal female lymphocytes is also highly methylated, but some GCG or CGC trinucleotides partially escape methylation; all other CpGs are fully methylated [18].
  • It was also demonstrated that ODN 2006, a widely used immunostimulant of human B cells, possess two kinds of immunostimulatory motifs: one of them mainly composed of two successive TCG trinucleotides located at the 5' end and another one (duplicated) of the PyNTTTTGT kind here described [19].
  • The localized NPPase activity around the regressing Mullerian duct suggests that NPPase may appear as a consequence of duct regression and may act to control the degree of membrane phosphorylation by degrading excess trinucleotides [20].
  • High levels (200 microM) of CpA or the trinucleotides containing CpA have no effect on translation in a wheat germ cell-free system [21].
  • Application to the cytosolic side of inside-out patches of Na+ ions, mono- di- and trinucleotides, taurine, reduced and oxidized forms of glutathione, or peptides extracted from pulmonary artery smooth muscle, did not reproduce the inward rectification [22].

Associations of Trinucleotides with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Trinucleotides

  • In patients with PD, the presence of two long alleles, with more than 16 repeated AAT trinucleotides in the CNR1 gene, was associated with a reduced prevalence of depression (Fisher's exact test: P=0.003) [28].
  • Meta-analysis demonstrated that the preferentially altered sequence motifs of BCL6 in PMBL were TA (p=0.002) and AT (p=0.0008) dinucleotides and TAT trinucleotides (p=0.001) [29].
  • Diversity was created by replacing the V(H) and V(L) CDR3 regions of the master genes by CDR3 library cassettes, generated from mixed trinucleotides and biased towards natural human antibody CDR3 sequences [30].
  • A new class of disease (including Huntington disease, Kennedy disease, and spinocerebellar ataxias types 1 and 3) results from abnormal expansions of CAG trinucleotides in the coding regions of genes [31].
  • The following types of motifs in that portion are analyzed: (i) concatamers of mono-, di-, and trinucleotides; (ii) tightly clustered hexanucleotides (spaced < or = 5 bases apart); (iii) direct and reverse repeats longer than 20 bp; and (iv) a number of motifs known from biochemical studies to play a role in the regulation of the BX-C [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Trinucleotides


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