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Chemical Compound Review

AC1NSKNO     (Z)-7-[(1S,4R,5S,6R)-5-[(2...

Synonyms: SQ-29548, SQ29548, 98672-91-4
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Disease relevance of SQ29548

  • Endothelial migration and corneal angiogenesis are similarly inhibited by a TXA2 receptor antagonist, SQ29548 [1].
  • The blood pressure-lowering effect of SQ29548 in the early phase of aortic coarctation-induced hypertension was positively correlated with the prevailing plasma renin activity and could not be demonstrated in hypertensive rats pretreated with indomethacin [2].
  • Lipoxygenase inhibition (10 microM AA861) alone or in combination with thromboxane receptor antagonism (10 microM SQ29548) had no effect on PAF-induced weight gain [3].
  • Crystalloid-perfused rat hearts that had undergone Langendorff preparation (n = 30) were subjected to 2 hours of global ischemia at 15 degrees C under cardioplegic protection with (n = 15) or without (n = 15) thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist SQ29548 [4].
  • The competition curve for STA2 inhibition of [3H]SQ29548 binding was shifted to the right and was steeper in the presence of GTP gamma S. Pertussis toxin (IAP) elicited ADP-ribosylation of 41KD protein but had no effect on the sensitivity to GTP of the STA2 inhibition of SQ29548 binding or of STA2-induced accumulation of IPs [5].

High impact information on SQ29548


Chemical compound and disease context of SQ29548


Biological context of SQ29548

  • Tyrosine phosphorylation of p27 and p31 in response to collagen, but not thrombin, is prevented by aspirin and the TXA(2) receptor antagonist SQ29548, indicating that the effect of collagen strongly relies on TXA(2) signaling [11].
  • In this experimental setting, the administration of SQ29548 reduced preglomerular vascular resistance selectively [12].
  • SQ29548, a thromboxane receptor antagonist, inhibited the AA-induced platelet aggregation but not TXB(2) production [13].
  • The supernatant did not affect the Kd or Bmax of [125I]PTA-OH or the IC50 of the TXA2/PGH2 antagonist, SQ29548 [14].
  • 2 The four rabbit aorta phenotypes, R1, R2, IR, and NR, were characterized with respect to the rank orders of prostanoid agonist potency, agonist intrinsic activities, and the effects of the thromboxane receptor antagonist SQ29548 [15].

Anatomical context of SQ29548


Associations of SQ29548 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of SQ29548

  • Preincubation of HUVECs with SQ29548, a TXA2 receptor antagonist, dose-dependently inhibited platelet-induced COX-2 expression and prostanoid synthesis [26].
  • However, in contrast to that which occurred in ULTR cells, SQ29548 abolished 8-epiPGF(2alpha) mediated ERK and JNK activation through both TPalpha and TPbeta in HEK 293 cells providing further evidence that 8-epiPGF(2alpha) may signal through alternative receptors, in addition to the TPs, in human uterine ULTR cells [27].
  • The presence of the prostaglandin H2/thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist SQ29548 did not affect arteriolar diameters of control mice but reduced the enhanced arteriolar tone of db/db mice back to control levels (at 80 mm Hg, 80+/-4%) [28].
  • Furthermore, preincubation of whole blood with 75 micro mol L-1 or 150 micromol L(-1) SQ29548, a TxA2 receptor antagonist, completely blocked epinephrine's promoting effect on LPS-induced IL-8 release [29].
  • Furthermore, SQ29548, a thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor antagonist, significantly reduced CD40L-enhanced expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SQ29548


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