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Chemical Compound Review

Semaxnib     (3Z)-3-[(3,5-dimethyl-1H- pyrrol-2...

Synonyms: Semoxind, Semaxanib, Semaxinib, Romiplostim, QCR-86, ...
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Disease relevance of Semaxinib


High impact information on Semaxinib


Chemical compound and disease context of Semaxinib


Biological context of Semaxinib

  • After 12 weeks of treatment with SU5416, the blast cell counts (blood and bone marrow) decreased to undetectable levels and the peripheral blood cell counts normalized with the exception of the platelet count (50-80 x 10(9)/L [50-80 x 10(3)/microL]) [6].
  • Both sFlk-1 and the Flk-1-specifc inhibitor SU5416 eliminated the resistance phenotype in GBM and melanoma microvasculature as determined by both the vascular window and Doppler blood flow methods [11].
  • The selective flk-1 inhibitor SU5416 partially rescued the flt-1-/- mutant phenotype, and this rescue was accompanied by a decrease in the relative amount of flk-1 tyrosine phosphorylation [12].
  • PURPOSE: To determine the biological modulatory dose of SU5416, we employed a novel trial design, where "dose de-escalation" was based on demonstrable biological changes observed at the maximum tolerated dose [13].
  • A significant increase in endothelial cell apoptosis was observed in one tumor exposed to SU5416 and was associated with an increase in vessel size, but these changes occurred without an increase in tumor cell death [14].

Anatomical context of Semaxinib


Associations of Semaxinib with other chemical compounds

  • These studies indicate that SU5416 and SU6668 inhibit biologic functions of c-kit in addition to exhibiting antiangiogenic properties and suggest that the combination of these activities may provide a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of AML [7].
  • Moreover, ZD1839 almost completely blocked EGF-induced neovascularization of mice cornea, and SU5416 partially blocked neovascularization [17].
  • The inhibition of VEGFR-2 by epigallocatechin-3 gallate was similar to that induced by Semaxanib (SU5416), a specific VEGFR-2 inhibitor [18].
  • Finally, nephrin protein by immunofluorescence was decreased in the db/db mice but was significantly restored by SU5416 [19].
  • Design: SU11248, SU5416, and SU6668 were synthesized, and their inhibitory potencies were evaluated using an in vitro RET/PTC kinase assay [20].

Gene context of Semaxinib


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Semaxinib


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