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Disease relevance of Emphysema


Psychiatry related information on Emphysema

  • Stratification of patients into those with and without macroscopic emphysema (EMPH+, EMPH-, respectively), with comparable physical activity levels on the basis of previous observations, revealed lower values for La threshold and GLU in EMPH+ patients [6].
  • We believe that the issue of neonatal screening for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency should be reexamined because augmentation therapy for adults with emphysema is now available, and screening followed by family-based smoking intervention may lead to a nonsmoking life-style [7].
  • This is the first reported case of isolated retropharyngeal emphysema caused by ingestion of the amphetamine derivatives "Ecstasy" and "Speed". The same complication has been reported with marihuana, cocaine, and heroin abuse [8].

High impact information on Emphysema

  • Pulmonary function may improve after surgical resection of the most severely affected lung tissue (lung-reduction surgery) in patients with diffuse emphysema [9].
  • Although elastase has been proposed as the primary enzyme responsible for emphysematous lung damage, this study provides evidence that other extracellular matrix proteases could play a role in emphysema [10].
  • This pathology is strikingly similar to the morphological changes observed in human emphysema and therefore implicates interstitial collagenase as a possible etiological agent in the disease process [10].
  • Replacement therapy for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency associated with emphysema [11].
  • Finally, increased lung ceramides in individuals with smoking-induced emphysema suggests that ceramide upregulation may be a crucial pathogenic element and a promising target in this disease that currently lacks effective therapies [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Emphysema


Biological context of Emphysema


Anatomical context of Emphysema


Gene context of Emphysema

  • Here we report that Itgb6-null mice develop age-related emphysema that is completely abrogated either by transgenic expression of versions of the beta6 integrin subunit that support TGF-beta activation, or by the loss of Mmp12 [3].
  • IFN-gamma causes emphysema and alterations in pulmonary protease/antiprotease balance when expressed in pulmonary tissues [25].
  • Role of CCR5 in IFN-gamma-induced and cigarette smoke-induced emphysema [26].
  • Targeted ablation of the surfactant protein D (SP-D) gene caused chronic inflammation, emphysema, and fibrosis in the lungs of SP-D (-/-) mice [27].
  • These results suggest that changes in FLCN may have an important role in the development of PSP and, more importantly, of emphysema, a chronic pulmonary disease that often leads to formation of bullous lesions and lowered pulmonary function [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Emphysema


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