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Chemical Compound Review

CID6327573     tributyltin hydrate

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Disease relevance of tributyltin


Psychiatry related information on tributyltin


High impact information on tributyltin


Biological context of tributyltin


Anatomical context of tributyltin


Associations of tributyltin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of tributyltin

  • A Lord endoprosthesis was used in nine hips and a Biomet endoprosthesis in six [23].
  • METHODS: Three types of reconstruction nails (the Russell-Taylor Delta [Smith & Nephew, Memphis, TN], the Uniflex [Biomet, Warsaw, IN], Alta CFX [Howmedica-Osteonics, Rutherford, NJ]) and the Long Gamma nail (Howmedica-Osteonics, Rutherford, NJ), each measuring 11 x 380 mm, were inserted in fiberglass composite femurs [24].
  • Fifty-one primary consecutive cementless AGC 2000 (Anatomically Graduated Components, Biomet, Warsaw, IN) total knee arthroplasties were performed during 1985 through 1990 in 40 patients with rheumatoid arthritis [25].
  • We hypothesized that the posterior-to-anterior (PA) calcaneal interlocking screw of the Biomet Ankle Arthrodesis Nail would increase rotational stability secondary to increased bone purchase compared with the standard lateral-to-medial (transverse) screw [26].
  • A 48 year-old right-hand-dominant man presented to our institution with paresthesia and loss of feeling along the median nerve distribution of the right hand 1 week after undergoing minimally open carpal tunnel release with the Biomet Indiana Tome at another hospital [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of tributyltin

  • This study evaluates anisotropy and oxidative resistance in a novel, radiation crosslinked (50 kGy) UHMWPE material (ArComXL: Biomet, Inc., Warsaw, IN), incorporating solid-state, deformation processing by extrusion below the melt transition for application in total hip arthroplasty [28].
  • The poor survival of Biomet cementless prostheses in our series seems to be related to the poor survival of the cup [29].
  • These findings were confirmed by the results of the biosensor test (Biomet) which indicated that all zinc was indeed bioavailable [30].
  • We reviewed 231 patients who had undergone total knee replacement with an AGC (Biomet) implant over a period of 2.5 years [31].
  • We measured the size and volume of the femoral broaches and stems supplied with three commercial total hip replacement (THR) systems (JRI Furlong, Biomet Stanmore, and Howmedica Exeter) [32].


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