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Gene Review

GPR182  -  G protein-coupled receptor 182

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 7TMR, ADMR, AM-R, AMR, G-protein coupled receptor 182, ...
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Disease relevance of ADMR


Psychiatry related information on ADMR


High impact information on ADMR


Chemical compound and disease context of ADMR


Biological context of ADMR

  • Adrenomedullin is expressed in pancreatic cancer and stimulates cell proliferation and invasion in an autocrine manner via the adrenomedullin receptor, ADMR [1].
  • Since Ishikawa cells express the putative ADM-receptor CRLR-RAMP2 the production and secretion of ADM with the consecutive upregulation of Bcl-2 could establish an autocrine/paracrine mechanism rescuing malignant cells from hypoxic cell death [11].
  • The CGRP1-receptor antagonists BIBN4096BS and CGRP-(8-37) and the adrenomedullin receptor antagonist adrenomedullin-(22-52) significantly inhibited the effect of adrenomedullin (n=7, P<0.05 for both arteries) on dural and pial artery diameter and mean arterial blood pressure [12].
  • Transfection studies performed with the putative hAMR yield similar results [13].
  • The present findings suggest that the AM/AM-R regulatory system plays a major role in respiratory physiology and lung carcinogenesis and that new functions for AM remain to be identified [14].

Anatomical context of ADMR


Associations of ADMR with chemical compounds

  • METHODS: A human bladder cancer cell line resistant to doxorubicin, BIU-87/ADMR, has been established in vitro by exposing BIU-87 parent cells to progressively increasing concentrations of the drug over a period of 8 months [20].
  • We conclude that ADM increases intracellular cGMP levels in SV-CISM-2 cells through activation of the ADM receptor and subsequent stimulation of a Gi-mediated membrane-bound guanylate cyclase [21].
  • Since glucocorticoid responsive elements were recently identified in the human CRLR promoter and that glucocorticoids exert a major action in bones, we investigated the acute effect of dexamethasone (Dex) treatment on ADM receptor components in osteoblastic cell types: the MC3T3-E1 cells and calvaria-derived osteoblastic cells [22].
  • METHODS: We examined the effect of locally injected dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and ADM, and the co-administration of DHT with an ADM receptor antagonist (ADM 22-52) on prostatic blood flow [23].
  • Thus, estrogen can signal by the same mechanism as various other hormones, through a specific 7TM receptor [24].

Other interactions of ADMR

  • All the effect of ADM were reversed by the ADM-receptor antagonist ADM(22-52) [25].
  • CRLR may function as a calcitonin gene-related peptide or a selective ADM receptor depending on the expression of the subtype 1 or the subtypes 2 and 3 of a family of proteins, named receptor-activity-modifying protein (RAMPs) [25].
  • The results reveal competition between the different RAMPs in the regulation of CGRP/ADM receptor activity [26].
  • Receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) isoform-specific regulation of adrenomedullin receptor trafficking by NHERF-1 [27].
  • Receptor-activity-modifying protein (RAMP) 2 and RAMP3, ADM receptor subunits, are expressed in autonomic centers including the PVN and supraoptic nucleus [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ADMR


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