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Gene Review

CALCRL  -  calcitonin receptor-like

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CGRP type 1 receptor, CGRPR, CRLR, Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor, Calcitonin receptor-like receptor
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Disease relevance of CALCRL


High impact information on CALCRL


Chemical compound and disease context of CALCRL


Biological context of CALCRL


Anatomical context of CALCRL

  • The sequence is unrelated to consensus endoplasmic reticulum retention/retrieval motives and overridden by the presence of the hCRLR [19].
  • Localization of calcitonin receptor-like receptor and receptor activity modifying protein 1 in enteric neurons, dorsal root ganglia, and the spinal cord of the rat [20].
  • CLR and RAMP1 were detected in perivascular nerves and arterial smooth muscle [20].
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS: Expression of CGRP receptor components on CD34(+) cells, peripheral blood granulocytes, and in vitro differentiated CD34(+) cells was analyzed at the mRNA level and by measuring the signaling capacity of the receptor [21].
  • CLR was detected at low levels in the soma of enteric, dorsal root ganglia (DRG), and spinal neurons [20].

Associations of CALCRL with chemical compounds

  • Cysteine residues in the extracellular loops of hCRLR and in the extracellular domain of hRAMP2 thus appear to play distinct roles in the cell surface expression and function of the receptor heterodimer [22].
  • Whichever RAMP protein was co-expressing with CRLR, the ligand binding was sensitive to tunicamycin [23].
  • This internalization was strongly inhibited by hypertonic medium (0.45 m sucrose) and paralleled localization of rhodamine-labeled transferrin, suggesting that CRLR endocytosis occurred predominantly through a clathrin-dependent pathway [24].
  • Furthermore, CGRP-induced relaxation of placental vessels are inhibited by a CGRP receptor antagonist (CGRP8-37), ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel blocker (glybenclamide), and cAMP-dependent protein kinase A inhibitor (Rp-cAMPS) and partially inhibited by a nitric oxide inhibitor (Nomega-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester) [25].
  • CRLR mRNA levels were half-reduced with the two lowest doses of dexamethasone (10(-10) and 10(-9) M), but increased from 10(-8) to 10(-7) M [26].

Physical interactions of CALCRL

  • By contrast, deletion of the C-tail from hRAMP2 disrupted transport of hCRLR to the cell surface, resulting in significant reductions in (125)I-hAM binding and evoked cAMP accumulation [27].
  • RAMP 1-transported CRLR is a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor [28].
  • RAMP2- and RAMP3-transported CRLR receptors act as AM-specific receptors [29].
  • Analysis of CRLR mutants in which Gln was substituted for selected Asn residues showed that glycosylation of Asn123 is required for both the binding of adrenomedullin and the transduction of its signal [23].
  • Similarly, in HEK293 EBNA cells constitutively expressing RAMP1/CRLR receptor complex CGRP binding was remarkably inhibited [23].

Regulatory relationships of CALCRL

  • CRLR, initially classed as an orphan receptor, is a CGRP receptor when co-expressed with RAMP1 [30].
  • TNF-alpha induced time- and dose-dependent decreases in the expression of CRLR and RAMP1/2 mRNAs, thereby diminishing AM-evoked cAMP production [31].
  • 4. h-alpha CGRP(8-37) and BIBN4096BS concentration-dependently inhibited cAMP formation evoked by CGRP receptor agonists [32].
  • Aim: To determine whether CRLR is expressed in human gliomas and the probable cellular targets of adrenomedullin [33].
  • CGRP-mediated JNK-activation was inhibited by CGRP receptor antagonist, CGRP8-37, confirming that this is a receptor-mediated event [34].

Other interactions of CALCRL


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CALCRL


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