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Gene Review

ARID3A  -  AT rich interactive domain 3A (BRIGHT-like)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ARID domain-containing protein 3A, AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 3A, B-cell regulator of IgH transcription, BRIGHT, Bright, ...
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Disease relevance of ARID3A

  • Analysis of those genes most commonly compromized in tumours has led to the identification of the transcription factor p53 and the E2F binding protein Retinoblastoma (Rb), as key regulators of these processes [1].
  • The human dead ringer/bright homolog, DRIL1: cDNA cloning, gene structure, and mapping to D19S886, a marker on 19p13.3 that is strictly linked to the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome [2].
  • Within a few years of its occurrence, American clinicians became aware of the discovery by Bright in 1827 that albuminuria in edematous patients was associated with granular degeneration of the kidney [3].
  • He was strongly influenced by the previous work of Richard Bright on kidney disease at his own hospital (Guy's Hospital in London) and by the contemporary pathological studies of Gull and Sutton on arteriolar changes in persons with high blood pressure [4].
  • Three years later, he published a study of apoplexy in Bright's disease, in which he pointed clearly to the role of raised intra-arterial tension in the causation of arterial disease, a point that had eluded Bright, Johnson, and other contemporaries [5].

Psychiatry related information on ARID3A

  • BACKGROUND: Bright light therapy is the recommended treatment for winter seasonal affective disorder (SAD) [6].
  • Effects of four conditions (Dim Light-Placebo, Dim Light-Caffeine, Bright Light-Placebo and Bright Light-Caffeine) on alertness, and performance were studied during the night-time hours across 45.5 h of sleep deprivation [7].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Bright light exposure was effective in reducing daytime sleep in nursing home patients with dementia; this finding is possibly related to bright light's acute alerting effects [8].
  • 1. Bright light exposure has been demonstrated as an effective treatment for circadian rhythm sleep disorders [9].
  • PURPOSE: Pediatricians are encouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Bright Futures guidelines to use well-child care as an opportunity to promote learning and development, encourage positive parenting practices, help children acquire behavioral self-control, and enhance the well-being of children and their families [10].

High impact information on ARID3A


Chemical compound and disease context of ARID3A


Biological context of ARID3A

  • Although E2FBP1 lacks the transactivation domain, it stimulates E2F site-dependent transcription in cooperation with E2F-1 [15].
  • One of the clones encodes E2FBP1 which has the helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif, but lacks the basic domain and the zipper structure usually found at N- and C-terminal sides to the HLH motif, respectively [15].
  • Here we show a novel connection between E2FBP1/DRIL1 and the p53 tumor suppressor, a key regulator of growth arrest or apoptosis in response to cellular stress [16].
  • E2FBP1/DRIL1was induced by p53 and up-regulated following DNA damage caused by UV radiation or doxorubicin treatment in a manner dependent on endogenous p53 [16].
  • Leptomycin B, chromosome region maintenance 1 (CRM1) overexpression, and heterokaryon experiments indicate that Bright actively shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in a CRM1-dependent manner [17].

Anatomical context of ARID3A

  • Bright/ARID3a/Dril1, a member of the ARID family of transcription factors, is expressed in a highly regulated fashion in B lymphocytes, where it enhances immunoglobulin transcription three- to sixfold [18].
  • For IgH transactivation, Bright binds to nuclear matrix association regions upstream of certain variable region promoters and flanking the IgH intronic enhancer [17].
  • However, an immunoglobulin M monoclonal antibody with specificity for the p73 LPS receptor in murine splenocytes (S. W. Bright, T.-Y. Chen, L. M. Flebbe, M.-G. Lei, and D. C. Morrison, J. Immunol. 145:1-7, 1990) inhibited 125I-ASD-PT labeling of the 70-kDa species in Jurkat cells [19].
  • At the end of each experimental period, MRI was performed using 7-T magnet Bruker Avance DRX 300 (Bruker, Wissembourg); T1-weighted MRI acquisition parameters were applied to show predominantly muscle fibers [20].
  • After a 0.038 Magic Torque wire (Boston Scientific/Medi-Tech, Watertown, MA) was anchored with the tip of the wire in the distal left occipital artery, a 7-French (outer diameter) Vista Bright guiding sheath (Cordis, Miami, FL) was successfully positioned in the mid left common carotid artery, with an MPA catheter (Cordis) used as guiding support [21].

Associations of ARID3A with chemical compounds

  • The flavoenzyme D-amino acid oxidase (Eo) is rapidly chlorinated by N-chloro-D-leucine (Rudie, N.G., Porter, D.J.T., and Bright, H.J. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 498-508) [22].
  • Using a new and simplified technique for covalent immobilization of adenine nucleotides [Fuller, C. W. and Bright, H. J., J. Biol. Chem. 252, 6631 (1977)], we have prepared immobilized NADH using two water-soluble polymers and tested these preparations for activity with several dehydrogenases [23].
  • RESULTS: Bright light delayed the nocturnal melatonin peak by 2 hours and resulted in a decrease in cortisol concentrations [24].
  • Further, the combined treatment of caffeine and all-night bright light (Bright Light-Caffeine) enhanced performance to a larger degree than either the Dim Light-Caffeine or the Bright Light-Placebo condition [7].
  • Further, FTIR (which provides information about the changes in the surface groups of the HU) and DRX (which shows the formation of possible crystalline phases on the HU surface) were used to determine the specific interactions of Cu(II) cations with the surface reactive groups of HU [25].

Regulatory relationships of ARID3A

  • A novel E2F binding protein with Myc-type HLH motif stimulates E2F-dependent transcription by forming a heterodimer [15].
  • Because so little is known about human Bright, we sought to determine where human Bright is expressed in normal B cell differentiation and whether it also forms complexes with Btk [26].

Other interactions of ARID3A


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ARID3A


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