Gene Review:
Tcf12 - transcription factor 12
Mus musculus
A130037E08Rik, ALF1, Alf1, Class A helix-loop-helix transcription factor ME1, DNA-binding protein HTF4, ...
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- Helix-loop-helix proteins regulate pre-TCR and TCR signaling through modulation of Rel/NF-kappaB activities. Kim, D., Xu, M., Nie, L., Peng, X.C., Jimi, E., Voll, R.E., Nguyen, T., Ghosh, S., Sun, X.H. Immunity (2002)
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- Murine helix-loop-helix transcriptional activator proteins binding to the E-box motif of the Akv murine leukemia virus enhancer identified by cDNA cloning. Nielsen, A.L., Pallisgaard, N., Pedersen, F.S., Jørgensen, P. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1992)
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- Interplay of the E box, the cyclic AMP response element, and HTF4/HEB in transcriptional regulation of the neurospecific, neurotrophin-inducible vgf gene. Di Rocco, G., Pennuto, M., Illi, B., Canu, N., Filocamo, G., Trani, E., Rinaldi, A.M., Possenti, R., Mandolesi, G., Sirinian, M.I., Jucker, R., Levi, A., Nasi, S. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1997)
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- Primary structure, genomic organization and expression of the major secretory protein of murine epididymis, ME1. Nakamura, Y., Takayama, N., Minamitani, T., Ikuta, T., Ariga, H., Matsumoto, K. Gene (2000)
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- Various modes of basic helix-loop-helix protein-mediated regulation of murine leukemia virus transcription in lymphoid cell lines. Nielsen, A.L., Nørby, P.L., Pedersen, F.S., Jørgensen, P. J. Virol. (1996)
- E-box sequence and context-dependent TAL1/SCL modulation of basic helix-loop-helix protein-mediated transcriptional activation. Nielsen, A.L., Norby, P.L., Pedersen, F.S., Jorgensen, P. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
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