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Gene Review

GJA4  -  gap junction protein, alpha 4, 37kDa

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CX37, Connexin-37, Cx37, Gap junction alpha-4 protein
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Disease relevance of GJA4


High impact information on GJA4

  • GJB3, GJB5 and GJA4 were localized to a 1.1-Mb YAC in the candidate interval [6].
  • H36.12j macrophages expressing either of the two CX37 proteins encoded by a polymorphism in the human GJA4 gene show differential ATP-dependent adhesion [7].
  • A genetic polymorphism in the human gene encoding connexin37 (CX37, encoded by GJA4, also known as CX37) has been reported as a potential prognostic marker for atherosclerosis [7].
  • Using in vivo adoptive transfer, we show that monocyte and macrophage recruitment is enhanced by eliminating expression of Cx37 in these leukocytes but not by eliminating its expression in the endothelium [7].
  • We further show that Cx37 hemichannel activity in primary monocytes, macrophages and a macrophage cell line (H36.12j) inhibits leukocyte adhesion [7].

Biological context of GJA4


Anatomical context of GJA4


Associations of GJA4 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of GJA4

  • In HeLa cells, SNAP did not reduce dye transfer of cells expressing Cx43, but decreased the dye transfer from Cx37-expressing cells to Cx43-expressing cells by 76% [10].

Other interactions of GJA4

  • After having mapped the disorder to chromosome 1p34-p35, we found no mutations in the genes for Cx31, Cx31.1, and Cx37 [17].
  • Three other connexins (Cx32, Cx37, and Cx40), which are not observed in control interfollicular epidermis, were not induced in either nonlesional or lesional regions of psoriatic skin [18].
  • Among these polymorphisms, those of ICAM1, CNR2, and GJA4 were markedly associated with BMD [5].
  • Cx37 and Cx45 made a large variety of functional heteromeric combinations with Cx43 based on detection of many different single channel conductances [19].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Determination of the genotypes of the connexin 37, plasminogen-activator inhibitor type 1, and stromelysin-1 genes may prove reliable in predicting the genetic risk of myocardial infarction and might thus contribute to the primary prevention of this condition [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GJA4

  • The present case control study performed in a homogeneous Caucasoid population confirms the Japanese results that T SNP of Cx37 gene is involved in AMI phenotype, demonstrating the consistency of the association across past studies and across different populations [4].
  • Using two different techniques--injection of a fluorescent dye in single cells as well as detection of the de novo formation of gap junctions by a flow cytometry based technique--we found that NO decreases the functional coupling in Cx37 containing gap junctions whereas it increases the de novo formation of gap junctions containing Cx40 [21].
  • Comparison of the expression of the principal vascular connexins (Cx37, 40 and 43), implicated in EDHF-mediated dilatation were undertaken by immunohistochemistry [22].
  • All Cx37 constructs were produced by the transfected cells as demonstrated by RT-PCR and immunoblotting and trafficked to appositional surfaces between cells as demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy [23].
  • Expression of connexin 37, 40, 43, and 45 were detected in As4.1 cells using RT-PCR [24].


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