Gene Review:
mei-41 - meiotic 41
Drosophila melanogaster
4252, ATR, ATR homolog, Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein homolog, CG4252, ...
- Phenotypic analysis of separation-of-function alleles of MEI-41, Drosophila ATM/ATR. Laurençon, A., Purdy, A., Sekelsky, J., Hawley, R.S., Su, T.T. Genetics (2003)
- Drosophila ATR in Double-Strand Break Repair. Larocque, J.R., Jaklevic, B., Su, T.T., Sekelsky, J. Genetics (2007)
- Hypersensitivity of Drosophila mei-41 mutants to hydroxyurea is associated with reduced mitotic chromosome stability. Banga, S.S., Shenkar, R., Boyd, J.B. Mutat. Res. (1986)
- Molecular cloning of mei-41, a gene that influences both somatic and germline chromosome metabolism of Drosophila melanogaster. Banga, S.S., Yamamoto, A.H., Mason, J.M., Boyd, J.B. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1995)
- A high level of hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila: high thermosensitivity, dependence on DNA repair, and incomplete cytotype regulation. Margulies, L. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1990)
- The mei-41 gene of D. melanogaster is a structural and functional homolog of the human ataxia telangiectasia gene. Hari, K.L., Santerre, A., Sekelsky, J.J., McKim, K.S., Boyd, J.B., Hawley, R.S. Cell (1995)
- mus304 encodes a novel DNA damage checkpoint protein required during Drosophila development. Brodsky, M.H., Sekelsky, J.J., Tsang, G., Hawley, R.S., Rubin, G.M. Genes Dev. (2000)
- Relative contribution of DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoints, and cell death to survival after DNA damage in Drosophila larvae. Jaklevic, B.R., Su, T.T. Curr. Biol. (2004)
- mei-41 and bub1 block mitosis at two distinct steps in response to incomplete DNA replication in Drosophila embryos. Garner, M., van Kreeveld, S., Su, T.T. Curr. Biol. (2001)
- Activation of a meiotic checkpoint during Drosophila oogenesis regulates the translation of Gurken through Chk2/Mnk. Abdu, U., Brodsky, M., Schüpbach, T. Curr. Biol. (2002)
- The Drosophila ATM ortholog, dATM, mediates the response to ionizing radiation and to spontaneous DNA damage during development. Song, Y.H., Mirey, G., Betson, M., Haber, D.A., Settleman, J. Curr. Biol. (2004)
- Radiation and transposon-induced genetic damage in Drosophila melanogaster: X-ray dose-response and synergism with DNA-repair deficiency. Balter, H., Griffith, C.S., Margulies, L. Mutat. Res. (1992)
- Grp/DChk1 is required for G2-M checkpoint activation in Drosophila S2 cells, whereas Dmnk/DChk2 is dispensable. de Vries, H.I., Uyetake, L., Lemstra, W., Brunsting, J.F., Su, T.T., Kampinga, H.H., Sibon, O.C. J. Cell. Sci. (2005)
- Identification of cellular factors that recognize UV-damaged DNA in Drosophila melanogaster. Todo, T., Ryo, H. Mutat. Res. (1992)
- CSN5/Jab1 mutations affect axis formation in the Drosophila oocyte by activating a meiotic checkpoint. Doronkin, S., Djagaeva, I., Beckendorf, S.K. Development (2002)
- Relationships of Drosophila melanogaster RECQ5/QE to cell-cycle progression and DNA damage. Nakayama, M., Maruyama, S., Kanda, H., Ohkita, N., Nakano, K., Ito, F., Kawasaki, K. FEBS Lett. (2006)
- The Drosophila Nbs protein functions in multiple pathways for the maintenance of genome stability. Ciapponi, L., Cenci, G., Gatti, M. Genetics (2006)
- Studies on mutagen-sensitive strains of Drosophila melanogaster. VI. The effect of DNA-repair deficiencies in spermatids, spermatocytes and spermatogonia irradiated in N2 or O2. Eeken, J.C., Sobels, F.H. Mutat. Res. (1985)
- Drosophila wee1 has an essential role in the nuclear divisions of early embryogenesis. Price, D., Rabinovitch, S., O'Farrell, P.H., Campbell, S.D. Genetics (2000)
- ATM and ATR Pathways Signal Alternative Splicing of Drosophila TAF1 Pre-mRNA in Response to DNA Damage. Katzenberger, R.J., Marengo, M.S., Wassarman, D.A. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006)
- Mutations induced in Drosophila during space flight. Ikenaga, M., Yoshikawa, I., Kojo, M., Ayaki, T., Ryo, H., Ishizaki, K., Kato, T., Yamamoto, H., Hara, R. Biol. Sci. Space (1997)