MeSH Review:
Aging, Premature
- Accelerated aging and nucleolar fragmentation in yeast sgs1 mutants. Sinclair, D.A., Mills, K., Guarente, L. Science (1997)
- Mitochondrial repair of 8-oxoguanine is deficient in Cockayne syndrome group B. Stevnsner, T., Nyaga, S., de Souza-Pinto, N.C., van der Horst, G.T., Gorgels, T.G., Hogue, B.A., Thorslund, T., Bohr, V.A. Oncogene (2002)
- Reducing mammary cancer risk through premature stem cell senescence. Boulanger, C.A., Smith, G.H. Oncogene (2001)
- A MERRF/PEO overlap syndrome associated with the mitochondrial DNA 3243 mutation. Verma, A., Moraes, C.T., Shebert, R.T., Bradley, W.G. Neurology (1996)
- The role of the nuclear envelope in cellular organization. D'Angelo, M.A., Hetzer, M.W. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (2006)
- Early glycoxidation damage in brains from Down's syndrome. Odetti, P., Angelini, G., Dapino, D., Zaccheo, D., Garibaldi, S., Dagna-Bricarelli, F., Piombo, G., Perry, G., Smith, M., Traverso, N., Tabaton, M. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1998)
- XPF nuclease-dependent telomere loss and increased DNA damage in mice overexpressing TRF2 result in premature aging and cancer. Muñoz, P., Blanco, R., Flores, J.M., Blasco, M.A. Nat. Genet. (2005)
- The Werner syndrome protein is a DNA helicase. Gray, M.D., Shen, J.C., Kamath-Loeb, A.S., Blank, A., Sopher, B.L., Martin, G.M., Oshima, J., Loeb, L.A. Nat. Genet. (1997)
- Genomic instability in laminopathy-based premature aging. Liu, B., Wang, J., Chan, K.M., Tjia, W.M., Deng, W., Guan, X., Huang, J.D., Li, K.M., Chau, P.Y., Chen, D.J., Pei, D., Pendas, A.M., Cadiñanos, J., López-Otín, C., Tse, H.F., Hutchison, C., Chen, J., Cao, Y., Cheah, K.S., Tryggvason, K., Zhou, Z. Nat. Med. (2005)
- Growth retardation and premature aging phenotypes in mice with disruption of the SNF2-like gene, PASG. Sun, L.Q., Lee, D.W., Zhang, Q., Xiao, W., Raabe, E.H., Meeker, A., Miao, D., Huso, D.L., Arceci, R.J. Genes Dev. (2004)
- How do mutations in lamins A and C cause disease? Worman, H.J., Courvalin, J.C. J. Clin. Invest. (2004)
- On signal sequence polymorphisms and diseases of distribution. Rosenblum, J.S., Gilula, N.B., Lerner, R.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996)
- Brain cell alterations suggesting premature aging induced by dietary deficiency of vitamin B6 and/or copper. Root, E.J., Longenecker, J.B. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (1983)
- Melatonin, hydroxyl radical-mediated oxidative damage, and aging: a hypothesis. Poeggeler, B., Reiter, R.J., Tan, D.X., Chen, L.D., Manchester, L.C. J. Pineal Res. (1993)
- Excess glucose intake induces accelerated beta-cell polyploidization in normal mice: a possible deleterious effect. White, J.W., Swartz, F.J., Swartz, A.F. J. Nutr. (1985)
- Phenytoin-induced elevation of serum estradiol and reproductive dysfunction in men with epilepsy. Heroz, A.G., Levesque, L.A., Drislane, F.W., Ronthal, M., Schomer, D.L. Epilepsia (1991)
- Werner syndrome protein interacts with human flap endonuclease 1 and stimulates its cleavage activity. Brosh, R.M., von Kobbe, C., Sommers, J.A., Karmakar, P., Opresko, P.L., Piotrowski, J., Dianova, I., Dianov, G.L., Bohr, V.A. EMBO J. (2001)
- Somatic mtDNA mutations cause aging phenotypes without affecting reactive oxygen species production. Trifunovic, A., Hansson, A., Wredenberg, A., Rovio, A.T., Dufour, E., Khvorostov, I., Spelbrink, J.N., Wibom, R., Jacobs, H.T., Larsson, N.G. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- Gene expression profiling in Werner syndrome closely resembles that of normal aging. Kyng, K.J., May, A., Kølvraa, S., Bohr, V.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- Activation of protein kinase CK2 is an early step in the ultraviolet B-mediated increase in interstitial collagenase (matrix metalloproteinase-1; MMP-1) and stromelysin-1 (MMP-3) protein levels in human dermal fibroblasts. Brenneisen, P., Wlaschek, M., Schwamborn, E., Schneider, L.A., Ma, W., Sies, H., Scharffetter-Kochanek, K. Biochem. J. (2002)
- Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial diabetes (MIDD). Maassen, J.A., Janssen, G.M., 't Hart, L.M. Ann. Med. (2005)
- Skin changes in menopause. Bolognia, J.L., Braverman, I.M., Rousseau, M.E., Sarrel, P.M. Maturitas. (1989)
- Sensorineural hearing disorders in systemic lupus erythematosus. A controlled study. Andonopoulos, A.P., Naxakis, S., Goumas, P., Lygatsikas, C. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. (1995)
- Premature aging changes in neuromuscular junctions of transgenic mice with an extra human CuZnSOD gene: a model for tongue pathology in Down's syndrome. Yarom, R., Sapoznikov, D., Havivi, Y., Avraham, K.B., Schickler, M., Groner, Y. J. Neurol. Sci. (1988)
- Mutations in DNA replication genes reduce yeast life span. Hoopes, L.L., Budd, M., Choe, W., Weitao, T., Campbell, J.L. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2002)
- The short life span of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sgs1 and srs2 mutants is a composite of normal aging processes and mitotic arrest due to defective recombination. McVey, M., Kaeberlein, M., Tissenbaum, H.A., Guarente, L. Genetics (2001)
- Telomere instability in a human tumor cell line expressing NBS1 with mutations at sites phosphorylated by ATM. Bai, Y., Murnane, J.P. Mol. Cancer Res. (2003)
- A Werner syndrome protein homolog affects C. elegans development, growth rate, life span and sensitivity to DNA damage by acting at a DNA damage checkpoint. Lee, S.J., Yook, J.S., Han, S.M., Koo, H.S. Development (2004)
- Cloning of two new human helicase genes of the RecQ family: biological significance of multiple species in higher eukaryotes. Kitao, S., Ohsugi, I., Ichikawa, K., Goto, M., Furuichi, Y., Shimamoto, A. Genomics (1998)
- Titers of murine leukemia virus are higher in brains of SAMP8 than SAMR1 mice. Meeker, H.C., Carp, R.I. Neurobiol. Aging (1997)