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Gene Review

TACSTD2  -  tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Cell surface glycoprotein Trop-2, EGP-1, EGP1, GA733-1, GA7331, ...
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Disease relevance of TACSTD2


High impact information on TACSTD2

  • Colorectal carcinoma invasion inhibition by CO17-1A/GA733 antigen and its murine homologue [3].
  • The availability of a murine homologue of GA733, i.e., murine epithelial glycoprotein (mEGP), allows for functional analysis of cell adhesion as it relates to tumor growth and invasion, both in vitro and in vivo [3].
  • GA733- or mEGP-producing cells were evaluated for homophilic adhesion, growth on plastic surfaces, colony formation in soft agar, and invasion through a reconstructed basement membrane (Matrigel). mEGP-producing cells were also examined for their capacity to metastasize in mice [3].
  • The positions of 12 cysteine residues in the extracellular domains of the two GA733 antigens are conserved, as is the overall distribution of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues [2].
  • The monoclonal antibody-defined, tumor-associated antigen GA733 was purified from the SW948 human colorectal carcinoma cell line and its partial amino acid sequence was determined [5].

Chemical compound and disease context of TACSTD2

  • Two internalizing mAbs, LL2 (anti-CD 22 B-cell lymphoma mAb) and RS7 (an anti-adenocarcinoma mAb which targets EGP-1 antigen), labeled with this procedure exhibited a 2-3-fold better cellular retention in Ramos and Calu-3 tumor cell lines, in vitro, respectively, compared to the same mAbs radioiodinated with the chloramine-T method [6].

Biological context of TACSTD2


Anatomical context of TACSTD2

  • A 1.1-kb DNA fragment of the TACSTD2 gene was amplified and analyzed using a molecular biological method. cDNA from the patient's cornea was also analyzed to determine which allele was expressed in the patient's corneal epithelium [7].
  • Trop-1 and Trop-2 appear to be specifically expressed on syncytio- and cytotrophoblasts, whereas Trop-3 and Trop-4 are also detected on various tumor cell lines, normal lymphocytes, and monocytes [10].
  • The sequence of the epithelial glycoprotein antigen is identical to the cell membrane protein recognized by the monoclonal antibody KS 1/4 and is homologous to the tumor-associated antigen GA733 [11].
  • Immunohistoperoxidase staining with polyclonal rabbit antibodies to the human antigen revealed the human homologue on normal small intestine, colon and liver of mice, rats and non-human primates, whereas mouse monoclonal antibodies to the CO17-1A or GA733 epitopes on the human antigen did not detect the antigen [12].
  • Chimeric T cell receptors were constructed by ligating single-chain genes of either of two EGP40-specific monoclonal antibodies (CO17.1 A, GA733) to the Fc receptor gamma-signaling chain [13].

Associations of TACSTD2 with chemical compounds

  • We propose to call the antigen detected by SCLC-cluster-2 antibodies "epithelial glycoprotein 2" (EGP-2), and the epithelium-associated glycoprotein recognized by antibodies clustered in SCLC cluster 13 (see elsewhere in this volume) "epithelial glycoprotein 1" (EGP-1) [14].
  • Very close to the location where the mutation was identified in the M1S1 gene, a single-nucleotide polymorphism (518A/C) was found, changing aspartic acid to alanine at codon 173 [15].
  • The rate constant for carbon monoxide binding to this form of hemoglobin is 4.1 X 10(6) M-1 S-1 at 24 degrees in our solutions [16].
  • The equilibrium constant for CO binding to the ferrous hemeprotein was measured to be 1.7 X 10(-5) M-1 and the CO association rate constant determined to be 5.4 X 10(3) M-1 S-1 [17].
  • The second order rate constant (Kf) for the formation of Compound X at pH 4.5 (optimum pH) is 0.9 X 10(6) M-1 S-1 [18].

Regulatory relationships of TACSTD2

  • Ad5 GA733-2 induced Ag-specific Abs that reacted predominantly to CO17-1A- and GA733-unrelated epitopes on the Ag and lysed Ag-positive CRC targets in conjunction with effector cells [4].
  • Kinetic analyses revealed that factor VII activation in the presence of relipidated tissue factor apoprotein can be defined by a second-order reaction mechanism in which factor VII is activated by factor VIIa with an apparent second-order rate constant of 7.2 x 10(3) M-1 S-1 [19].

Other interactions of TACSTD2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TACSTD2


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