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Gene Review

DNApol-epsilon  -  DNA polymerase epsilon

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: 6768, BAB17608, CG6768, DNA pol epsilon, Dmel\CG6768, ...
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Disease relevance of DNApol-epsilon

  • The present report describes the isolation of linear extrachromosomal copias whose structure closely resembles the analogous retrovirus provirus linears and whose synthesis is unaffected by inhibitors of the cellular DNA polymerase responsible for chromosomal DNA replication [1].
  • Under the appropriate conditions, DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli can elongate primers formed by primase in the presence of ATP and poly(dT) [2].
  • Baculovirus expression reconstitutes Drosophila mitochondrial DNA polymerase [3].
  • The ss DNA template is annealed with a universal sequencing primer, the primer extended with DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment and the DNA duplex cut at a unique site 5' to the multiple cloning sites in the M13 phage [4].

High impact information on DNApol-epsilon

  • We find a structure in RNA polymerase similar to the active-site cleft of DNA polymerase I. In the light of functional similarities between these two enzymes, together with other evidence, this probably identifies the active-site region of RNA polymerase [5].
  • Phylogenetic tree analysis shows that the accessory subunit animal mitochondrial DNA polymerase emerges as a result of horizontal transfer of the gene encoding glycyl-tRNA synthetase from a bacterium of the Thermus-Deinococcus group into the animal nuclear genome [6].
  • The jockey polymerase demonstrates RNA and DNA-directed DNA polymerase activities but lacks detectable RNase H, has a temperature optimum at 26 degrees C, requires Mg2+ or Mn2+ as a cofactor and is inactivated by sulphydryl reagent [7].
  • Arabidopsis TEBICHI, with helicase and DNA polymerase domains, is required for regulated cell division and differentiation in meristems [8].
  • Polintons from all these species are characterized by a unique set of proteins necessary for their transposition, including a protein-primed DNA polymerase B, retroviral integrase, cysteine protease, and ATPase [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of DNApol-epsilon


Biological context of DNApol-epsilon


Anatomical context of DNApol-epsilon


Associations of DNApol-epsilon with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of DNApol-epsilon


Enzymatic interactions of DNApol-epsilon


Other interactions of DNApol-epsilon

  • This polymerase shared some common properties with DNA polymerase epsilon from mammals and yeast as follows; it has a preference for poly(dA)/oligo(dT) as a template/primer, it is highly processive in DNA synthesis, it co-fractionates with 3'-5' exonuclease activity, it is sensitive to aphidicolin and is resistance to ddTTP [29].
  • A new DNA polymerase species from Drosophila melanogaster: a probable mus308 gene product [30].
  • In this report we have identified the Drosophila Dpit47 protein (DNA polymerase interacting tpr containing protein of 47 kDa) through its interaction with the DNA polymerase alpha [31].
  • Genetic analysis of the Drosophila DNAprim gene. The function of the 60-kd primase subunit of DNA polymerase opposes the fat facets signaling pathway in the developing eye [32].
  • On the basis of these properties, we propose that the DNA polymerase that we have purified from 0- to 2-hr Drosophila melanogaster embryos is DNA polymerase delta [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of DNApol-epsilon

  • An immunoprecipitation analysis of crude enzyme fractions showed that the two subunits of Drosophila mitochondrial DNA polymerase are intact, and an in situ gel proteolysis analysis showed that they are structurally distinct [34].
  • After ligation the second strand is synthesized with the large fragment of DNA polymerase I. Libraries of up to 8 x 10(6) independent transformants have been obtained from 1 microgram of Drosophila poly(A)+ RNA [35].
  • The DNA polymerase eluted heterogeneously as anomalously high-molecular-weight molecules from Sepharose 6B gel filtration columns [36].
  • A new DNA polymerase with properties different from those of any known polymerase species was identified and partially purified from the wild-type fly embryos through ten column chromatographies [30].
  • The karyotypes were analyzed using C-banding and N-banding techniques, while DNA analysis was performed through the DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [37].


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