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Gene Review

RING1  -  ring finger protein 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RING1, Polycomb complex protein RING1, RING finger protein 1, RING1A, RNF1, ...
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Disease relevance of RING1


Psychiatry related information on RING1

  • A risk behavior profile of the First Ring suburbs surrounding a large Midwestern city is presented and compared to the frequency of these behaviors in a national sample [6].
  • Clinical problem-solving. Ring around the diagnosis [7].

High impact information on RING1

  • Crystal Structures of a Ligand-free MthK Gating Ring: Insights into the Ligand Gating Mechanism of K(+) Channels [8].
  • Some quantitative parameters of the intranuclear metabolism and export to the cytoplasm of Balbiani ring 1 and 2 RNA molecules in salivary gland cells of Chironomus tentans have been determined [9].
  • In a genetic screen for cDNAs bypassing replicative senescence of normal human prostate epithelial cells (HPrEC), we identified CBX7, a gene that encodes a Polycomb protein, as shown by sequence homology, its interaction with Ring1 and its localization to nuclear Polycomb bodies [10].
  • Developmentally regulated expression of a Balbiani ring 1 gene for a 180-kD secretory polypeptide in Chironomus tentans salivary glands before larval/pupal ecdysis [11].
  • We show that A. vinelandii has two clusters of rnf-like genes: rnf1, whose expression is nif-regulated, and rnf2, which is expressed independently of the nitrogen source in the medium [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of RING1


Biological context of RING1


Anatomical context of RING1

  • Investigation of the relationship between E2F6 and RING1 by immunofluorescence and confocal analysis, in HL cell lines and paraffin sections, revealed co-expression of both proteins in the same tumour cells [16].
  • Therefore, Bmi-1 plays a crucial role in the control of Th2 cell differentiation in a Ring finger-dependent manner by regulating GATA3 protein stability [17].
  • Biochemical studies indicate that Bmi-1 interacts with GATA3 in T cells, which is dependent on the Ring finger of Bmi-1 [17].
  • METHODS: Ring segments of rabbit basilar artery were prepared for in vitro measurements of isometric force [18].
  • All patients underwent papillary muscle shortening using a pericardium pledget-reinforced Polytetrafluoroethylene suture and annuloplasty with a Carpentier-Edwards Physio Annuloplasty Ring [19].

Associations of RING1 with chemical compounds

  • RING finger 1 mutations in Parkin produce altered localization of the protein [20].
  • GA inhibited parasite growth by arresting transition from Ring to trophozoite [21].
  • We recently studied spin flipping of a 270 MeV vertically polarized deuteron beam stored in the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Cooler Ring [22].
  • Chemical-structural properties of tetracycline antibiotics. 4. Ring A tautomerism involving the protonated amide substituent as observed in the crystal structure of alpha-6-deoxyoxytetracycline hydrohalides [23].
  • Cbl-b, a mammalian homolog of Cbl, consists of an N-terminal region (Cbl-b-N) highly homologous to oncogenic v-Cbl, a Ring finger, and a C-terminal region containing multiple proline-rich stretches and potential tyrosine phosphorylation sites [24].

Physical interactions of RING1


Regulatory relationships of RING1


Other interactions of RING1

  • Distinct domains in the RING1 protein are involved in the self-association and in the interaction with BMI1 [14].
  • Here, we show that RING1 coimmunoprecipitates with a human Pc homolog, the vertebrate PcG protein BMI1, and HPH1, a human homolog of the PcG protein Polyhomeotic (Ph) [1].
  • This interaction is dependent upon the HPC3 C-box but, only partially on the RING finger of RING1 [27].
  • These results suggested the formation of a three-molecule complex consisting of RBP-J, KyoT2 and RING1 in cells [26].
  • Similar to human, but different from rat and mouse, no class I genes are found in the SACM2L- RING1 interval [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RING1

  • Two-hybrid assay showed that the LIM domain of KyoT was responsible for interacting with the full-length Ring1 and hPc2 [29].
  • Immunohistochemistry shows that material with reactivity towards antibody against the C-terminal domain is present in the nuclei, and specifically enriched in Balbiani ring 1 and 2 [30].
  • In situ hybridization localized these sequences to Balbiani ring 1 [31].
  • To determine the infectious complications associated with transhepatic biliary drainage devices, an analysis of the records of 38 patients who underwent placement of a pigtail catheter (n = 11), a Ring catheter/feeding tube (n = 13), or a Carey-Coons endoprosthesis (n = 15) was carried out [32].
  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to compare reliability indices in conventional (Humphrey) and high-pass resolution (Ring) perimetry in healthy subjects followed prospectively at 6-month intervals [33].


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  3. Overexpression of hRFI inhibits 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells via activation of NF-kappaB and upregulation of BCL-2 and BCL-XL. Konishi, T., Sasaki, S., Watanabe, T., Kitayama, J., Nagawa, H. Oncogene (2006) [Pubmed]
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  6. Health risk behaviors in a unique population-first ring suburban adolescents. Larkin, E.M., Frank, J.L., Knight, K.N., Frank, S.H. Journal of community health (2007) [Pubmed]
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  8. Crystal Structures of a Ligand-free MthK Gating Ring: Insights into the Ligand Gating Mechanism of K(+) Channels. Ye, S., Li, Y., Chen, L., Jiang, Y. Cell (2006) [Pubmed]
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