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Gene Review

CALCB  -  calcitonin-related polypeptide beta

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Beta-CGRP, Beta-type CGRP, CALC2, CGRP-II, CGRP2, ...
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Disease relevance of CALCB


High impact information on CALCB

  • In conclusion, CGRP II, unlike CGRP I, inhibits gastric acid secretion in humans [5].
  • However, CGRP II and calcitonin inhibited pentagastrin-stimulated acid responses by 20% and 28%, respectively (p less than 0.05 and p less than 0.01), whereas basal acid output was only reduced with calcitonin (p less than 0.05) [5].
  • The inhibitory effects of CGRP II and calcitonin are not due to increased gastric alkaline secretion or to somatostatin release, as neither peptide stimulated gastric bicarbonate secretion or induced an increase in circulating somatostatin [5].
  • Thus, among the three CGRP8-37-insensitive receptors, CTR2/RAMP1 is most sensitive to the two linear analogs, suggesting that it could be classified as a CGRP2 receptor [6].
  • Nucleotide sequence analysis of cloned cDNA from this cell line confirmed the production of CGRP-II mRNA [7].

Biological context of CALCB


Anatomical context of CALCB

  • In a human medullary thyroid carcinoma (TT) cell line, expression of the calcitonin (CT)/CT gene-related peptide (CGRP-I) gene (CALC-I or alpha) at the level of mRNA and of encoded peptides is higher than that of the closely related CGRP-II gene (CALC-II or beta) [8].
  • These are distinct CGRP2-like and amylin receptors on guinea-pig vas deferens [13].
  • In the present study, human CGRP I and II exerted positive inotropic effects on isolated human right auricles and relaxed small arteries from human skeletal muscle precontracted with norepinephrine (EC50 for CGRP I 0.59 nM and for CGRP II 0.37 nM) [14].
  • CGRP-II caused a monophasic increase in the IOP and disruption of the blood-aqueous barrier, but no increase in the cAMP content occurred [15].
  • [Pro14]-h-alpha-CGRP, predictably, has significantly lower helical content and is a 20-fold less potent agonist on coronary artery, known to contain CGRP-1 receptor subtypes, and an antagonist on pancreatic acini, known to contain CGRP-2 receptor subtypes [16].

Associations of CALCB with chemical compounds

  • In response to 1 mM dibutyryl cAMP ((Bu)2cAMP), mature CGRP-II mRNA and intact cellular CGRP-II were raised 65- and 10-fold, respectively, at 72 h [8].
  • In addition to human CGRPI, human CGRPII and salmon CT stimulated the adenylate cyclase activity [17].
  • Plasma CGRP II, substance P and VIP-like immunoreactivity levels showed no significant differences among patients in the three different groups of arthritis [1].
  • The fall in IAS tension caused by CGRP II (human) was not modified by the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, beta adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol and prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor indomethacin [18].
  • Two amino acid differences were detected at position 1, with Gly in rabbit CGRP instead of Ala in human CGRP-II, and at position 35, with Glu instead of Lys, respectively [19].

Regulatory relationships of CALCB

  • We conclude that, in addition to the previously characterized direct smooth muscle relaxant action via CGRP1 receptors (Maggi et al. Regulatory Peptides 61, 27-36, 1996), CGRP also induces a remarkable potentiation of excitatory neurotransmission to the circular muscle of the guinea-pig colon via CGRP2 receptors [20].

Other interactions of CALCB


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CALCB


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