Gene Review:
Msn - moesin
Rattus norvegicus
Membrane-organizing extension spike protein, Moesin
- Cloning and cellular localization of the rat mast cell 78-kDa protein phosphorylated in response to the mast cell "stabilizer" cromolyn. Theoharides, T.C., Wang, L., Pang, X., Letourneau, R., Culm, K.E., Basu, S., Wang, Y., Correia, I. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (2000)
- The cytoskeletal linking proteins, moesin and radixin, are upregulated by platelet-derived growth factor, but not basic fibroblast growth factor in experimental mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. Hugo, C., Hugo, C., Pichler, R., Gordon, K., Schmidt, R., Amieva, M., Couser, W.G., Furthmayr, H., Johnson, R.J. J. Clin. Invest. (1996)
- Ezrin/moesin in motile Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cells: Signal-dependent relocalization and role in migration. Rossy, J., Gutjahr, M.C., Blaser, N., Schlicht, D., Niggli, V. Exp. Cell Res. (2007)
- Vascular dysfunction in human and rat cirrhosis: role of receptor-desensitizing and calcium-sensitizing proteins. Hennenberg, M., Trebicka, J., Biecker, E., Schepke, M., Sauerbruch, T., Heller, J. Hepatology (2007)
- Defective RhoA/Rho-kinase signaling contributes to vascular hypocontractility and vasodilation in cirrhotic rats. Hennenberg, M., Biecker, E., Trebicka, J., Jochem, K., Zhou, Q., Schmidt, M., Jakobs, K.H., Sauerbruch, T., Heller, J. Gastroenterology (2006)
- Chloride conductance is required for the protein kinase A and Rac1-dependent phosphorylation of moesin at Thr-558 by KCl in PC12 cells. Jeon, S., Kim, S., Kim, E., Lee, J.E., Kim, S.J., Juhnn, Y.S., Kim, Y.S., Bae, C.D., Park, J. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- AMPA, not NMDA, activates RhoA GTPases and subsequently phosphorylates moesin. Kim, S.J., Jeon, S., Shin, E.Y., Kim, E.G., Park, J., Bae, C.D. Exp. Mol. Med. (2004)
- RhoA and Rho kinase-dependent phosphorylation of moesin at Thr-558 in hippocampal neuronal cells by glutamate. Jeon, S., Kim, S., Park, J.B., Suh, P.G., Kim, Y.S., Bae, C.D., Park, J. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Actin remodeling requires ERM function to facilitate AQP2 apical targeting. Tamma, G., Klussmann, E., Oehlke, J., Krause, E., Rosenthal, W., Svelto, M., Valenti, G. J. Cell. Sci. (2005)
- Ezrin promotes morphogenesis of apical microvilli and basal infoldings in retinal pigment epithelium. Bonilha, V.L., Finnemann, S.C., Rodriguez-Boulan, E. J. Cell Biol. (1999)
- Ezrin and moesin co-localise with ICAM-1 in brain endothelial cells but are not directly associated. Romero, I.A., Amos, C.L., Greenwood, J., Adamson, P. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. (2002)
- Ca2+ and phorbol ester effect on the mast cell phosphoprotein induced by cromolyn. Wang, L., Correia, I., Basu, S., Theoharides, T.C. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1999)