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Gene Review

Rac1  -  ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1, p21-Rac1
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Disease relevance of Rac1

  • Cell lysates from Sf9 insect cells infected with recombinant baculovirus encoding myr 5 exhibited increased GAP activity for RhoA but not for Cdc42Hs or Rac1 [1].
  • CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that proper Rac1 and AT1R trafficking into caveolae/lipid rafts requires the integrity of microtubules and provide insight into the essential role of microtubules for the spatial-temporal organization of ROS-dependent and caveolae/lipid rafts-dependent AT(1)R signaling linked to vascular hypertrophy [2].
  • Here, we show the crucial role of the ubiquitous Rac1-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, Tiam1 (T lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1), in transducing a neurotrophin-mediated change in cell shape [3].
  • Infection of isolated neonatal cardiac myocytes with an adenovirus expressing a constitutively active form of Rac1 (RacV12) enhanced the expression of a kappaB-dependent reporter gene construct and induced the degradation of IkappaBalpha [4].
  • We revealed that IFN-gamma rapidly stimulated activation of Rac1 in C6 astroglioma cells by investigating GST-PAK-PBD-binding ability [5].

High impact information on Rac1

  • These results provide evidence that PDZ proteins target Kalirin-7 to the PSD, where it regulates dendritic morphogenesis through Rac1 signaling to the actin cytoskeleton [6].
  • Kalirin-7, a GDP/GTP exchange factor for Rac1, interacts with PDZ proteins such as PSD-95, colocalizing with PSD-95 at synapses of cultured hippocampal neurons [6].
  • We have analyzed the function of the Rho proteins Rac1 and CDC42 in the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcepsilonRI)-mediated phagocytosis using transfected rat basophil leukemia (RBL-2H3) mast cells expressing dominant inhibitory forms of CDC42 and Rac1 [7].
  • Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis requires CDC42 and Rac1 [7].
  • Altogether, our data show that Rac1 and CDC42 are required to coordinate actin filament organization and membrane extension to form phagocytic cups and to allow particle internalization during FcR-mediated phagocytosis [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Rac1


Biological context of Rac1


Anatomical context of Rac1

  • These results suggest that the phosphorylation of moesin at Thr-558 in PC12 cells by KCl treatment is PKA- and Rac1-dependent and that KCl-induced chloride conductance is involved in the activation of this signaling system [12].
  • Stretching myocytes for 4 min activated RhoA and Rac1 [17].
  • Treatment with 5 mm MbetaCD for 1 h dissociated both RhoA and Rac1 from caveolae [17].
  • We suggest that activation of RhoA or Rac1, localized in a caveolar compartment, is essential for sensing externally applied force and transducing this signal to the actin cytoskeleton and ERK translocation [17].
  • In vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) AngII stimulated Rac1 binding to GST-PAK-PBD fusion protein [18].

Associations of Rac1 with chemical compounds

  • Angiotensin II-induced stimulation of p21-activated kinase and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase is mediated by Rac1 and Nck [18].
  • To determine whether compartmentation of RhoA and Rac1 within caveolae was necessary for stretch signaling, we disrupted caveolae with methyl beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) [17].
  • It was also shown that SMV, by inhibiting Rac1 activity, reversed Ang II-induced increase in intracellular H2O2 production, Akt activation, and p27 protein expression [16].
  • GTP-loading of Rac1 was maintained in CGNs by integrin-mediated (RGD-dependent) cell attachment and trophic support [19].
  • These suggest that tyrosine kinase(s) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) are possibly acting upstream of Rac1 in the LPS signaling to MAPKs [20].
  • We identify betaPix as the guanine nucleotide-exchange factor integrating Rac1 activation to PLD1 and the exocytotic process [21].

Physical interactions of Rac1

  • These results suggest that the ROS, perhaps H(2)O(2), acts as an intracellular signal mediator for NGF-induced neuronal differentiation and that NGF-stimulated ROS production is regulated by Rac1 and a flavoprotein-binding protein similar to the phagocytic NADPH oxidase [22].

Co-localisations of Rac1

  • We demonstrate further that Rab7 colocalizes with Rac1 at the fusion zone of the ruffled border in bone-resorbing osteoclasts [23].

Regulatory relationships of Rac1


Other interactions of Rac1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rac1

  • Using a high-throughput immunoblotting screen (BD Powerblot), we found that ToxB markedly reduced the expression of Rac1 and c-Raf, upstream components of a Rac-dependent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway [24].
  • Signal regulatory protein alpha ligation induces macrophage nitric oxide production through JAK/STAT- and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Rac1/NAPDH oxidase/H2O2-dependent pathways [29].
  • In addition, Ha-Ras(V12)-induced DNA synthesis was significantly attenuated by microinjection of recombinant Rac(N17), a dominant negative mutant of Rac1 [30].
  • The cytoskeletal protein actin, a component of focal adhesion plaque protein, vinculin, and the small GTP-binding proteins RhoA and Rac1 were detected by immunohistochemistry in the cells located at the margin of and remote from the wound [31].
  • Mutation analysis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicated that the M-CAT element can serve as a binding site for nuclear factors, and this element is important for the induction of CARP promoter activity by p38 and Rac1 [32].


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