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Gene Review

RAS2  -  Ras family GTPase RAS2

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: ASC1, CTN5, CYR3, GLC5, N2198, ...
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Disease relevance of RAS2

  • The E. coli transformant carrying the yeast RAS2 or RAS2val19 gene had no adenylate cyclase activity [1].
  • The RAS2 gene is consistently required for maintenance of life span when heat stress is chronic or in its extension when heat stress is transient or absent altogether [2].
  • In addition, activation of Ras2, a regulator of cAMP generation, results in some protection from fluconazole toxicity in a fashion independent of the efflux transporter Pdr5p [3].

High impact information on RAS2


Biological context of RAS2

  • We present a genetic analysis of RAS1 and RAS2 of S. cerevisiae, two genes that are highly homologous to mammalian ras genes [9].
  • By constructing in vitro ras genes disrupted by selectable genes and introducing these by gene replacement into the respective ras loci, we have determined that neither RAS1 nor RAS2 are by themselves essential genes [9].
  • S. cerevisiae strains containing RAS2val19, a RAS2 gene with a missense mutation analogous to one that activates the transforming potential of mammalian ras genes, have growth and biochemical properties strikingly similar to yeast strains carrying IAC or bcy1 [10].
  • TS1 cells accumulate as unbudded cells upon temperature shift from 30 to 37 degrees C, thus showing that the RAS1 and RAS2 gene functions are important for progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle [11].
  • The yeast RAS1 and RAS2 genes appear to be involved in control of cell growth in response to nutrients [12].

Anatomical context of RAS2

  • Overexpression of the budding yeast RAS2 gene in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells revealed that RAS2 acted as 'suicide' gene in freshly isolated protoplasts from leaves and blocked cell proliferation in cell suspension-derived protoplasts [13].
  • Ras2 proteins expressed in an erf2Delta strain have a reduced level of palmitoylation and are partially mislocalized to the vacuole [14].
  • Erf2p has been shown to be required for the plasma membrane localization of GFP-Ras2p via a pathway distinct from the classical secretory pathway (X. Dong and R. J. Deschenes, manuscript in preparation) [15].
  • The possible mechanisms of ASC1/RAS2 suppression of atp1-2 are discussed; we suggest that RAS2 is part of the regulatory circuit involved in the control of F(1)-ATPase subunit levels in mitochondria [16].
  • Mutants in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAS2 gene influence life span, cytoskeleton, and regulation of mitosis [17].

Associations of RAS2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of RAS2

  • On the basis of these data, we propose that the ability of Cdc25 to interact with Ras2 proteins is strongly dependent on the activation state of Ras2 [22].
  • Like the wild-type enzyme, the RAS-dependent activity of the mutant adenylate cyclase is turned on by the GTP-bound form of the RAS2 protein [11].
  • These results strongly suggest that the residues R80 and N81 are situated in or closely associated with the Ras2p specific site binding Sdc25p [23].

Enzymatic interactions of RAS2

  • Ste24p cleaves the carboxyl-terminal "-AAX" from the yeast mating pheromone a-factor, whereas Rce1p cleaves the -AAX from both a-factor and Ras2p [24].

Regulatory relationships of RAS2

  • Screening of approximately 13,000 mutagenized colonies for galactose-dependent growth at a high temperature (37 degrees) yielded six temperature-sensitive ras2 (ras2ts) mutations and one temperature-sensitive cyr1 (cyr1ts) mutation that can be suppressed by overexpression or increased dosage of RAS2 [25].
  • The binding properties of Cdc25 to Ras2 were strongly diminished in yeast cells expressing an inactive Ira1 protein, which normally acts as a negative regulator of Ras activity [22].
  • To isolate temperature-sensitive mutations in the RAS2 gene, we constructed a plasmid carrying a RAS2 gene whose expression is under the control of the galactose-inducible GAL1 promoter [25].
  • Cells carrying a high copy number of plasmid GPA2 (YEpGPA2) had markedly elevated levels of cAMP and could suppress a temperature-sensitive mutation of RAS2 [26].
  • Partially purified preparations of the carboxy-terminal domain of the SCD25 gene product enhanced the exchange rate of guanosine diphosphate (GDP) to guanosine triphosphate (GTP) of pure RAS2 protein by stimulating the release of GDP [27].

Other interactions of RAS2

  • A GPA2 null allele conferred a severe growth defect on cells containing a null allele of RAS2, although either mutation alone had little effect on growth rate [12].
  • Genetic data suggest that the yeast cell cycle control gene CDC25 is an upstream regulator of RAS2 [22].
  • Strains lacking ERF2 are viable, but they have a synthetic growth defect in the absence of RAS2 and partially suppress the heat shock sensitivity resulting from expression of the hyperactive RAS2(V19) allele [14].
  • We tested whether SHR5, like previously isolated suppressors of hyperactivated RAS2, acts by affecting the membrane attachment and/or posttranslational modification of Ras proteins [28].
  • We have previously demonstrated that STE14 encodes the enzyme which mediates carboxyl methylation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAAX proteins a-factor, RAS1, and RAS2 [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RAS2


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