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Gene Review

RNGTT  -  RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CAP1A, HCAP1, HCE, HCE1, hCAP, ...
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Disease relevance of RNGTT

  • EGF at 10 ng/ml, increases the fraction of proliferating cells, induces cellular hypertrophy, reduces stratification and the fraction of differentiating cells in HCE colonies [1].
  • Colon carcinomas expressed slightly higher levels of HCE-1 and HCE-2 than the adjacent normal tissues, whereas the opposite was true with HCE-3 [2].
  • RESULTS: The chemotactic activity induced by HCE and keratocytes after MP strain of HSV-1 infection peaked as early as 4 h postinfection, then declined [3].
  • The hypoglycaemic effect of the plant extract (HCE) was examined in normal and diabetic rats, using a streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus model [4].
  • Measurements were performed on 36 consecutive patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA, n=18), transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS, n=3), diagnostic angiography (DA, n=6), arterial embolization (AE, n=3), and hepatic neoplasm chemoembolization (HCE, n=6) [5].

High impact information on RNGTT


Biological context of RNGTT


Anatomical context of RNGTT


Associations of RNGTT with chemical compounds


Co-localisations of RNGTT

  • Moreover, an immunofluorescent staining assay indicated that NDP52 colocalizes with HCAP1 in the cytoplasm [18].

Other interactions of RNGTT

  • By deletion analysis, the leucine zipper domain of HCAP1 and the zinc finger domain of NDP52 were identified as important regions responsible for the interaction [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RNGTT

  • RESULTS: The HCE 3.5 power analysis tool was designed to import any pre-existing Affymetrix microarray project, and interactively test the effects of user-defined definitions of alpha (significance), beta (1-power), sample size and effect size [20].
  • Based on immunoblotting analyses, HCE-1 was present in all tissues examined, whereas HCE-2 and HCE-3 were expressed in a tissue-restricted pattern [2].
  • RESULTS: Identities of primary cultures, human ciliary smooth muscle (HCSM), ciliary nonpigmented epithelial (HCE), and trabecular meshwork (HTM) cells were confirmed by immunocytochemistry, using cell-specific markers and observing typical cell morphologies [21].
  • Acute oral administrations of the plant extract (HCE, 50-800 mg/kg po) caused dose-related, significant (p < 0.05- 0.001) hypoglycaemia in normal (normoglycaemic) and STZ-treated diabetic rats [4].
  • HCE may be an excellent alternative cell line for the isolation of HSV-1, especially from corneal scrapings, for the laboratory diagnosis of HSK [22].


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