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Gene Review

PTK2  -  protein tyrosine kinase 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FADK, FADK 1, FAK, FAK1, FRNK, ...
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Disease relevance of PTK2

  • PTK2 and EIF3S3 genes may be amplification targets at 8q23-q24 and are associated with large hepatocellular carcinomas [1].
  • When we analyzed potential relationships between elevated expression of PTK2 and EIF3S3 and clinicopathologic parameters, high expression of the 2 transcripts was significantly associated with large (>5 cm) tumor size and with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection [1].
  • In this study, FAK protein expression and mRNA were detected in 25 of 60 cases (42%) of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) [2].
  • Furthermore, C8161 melanoma cells with endogenous CD151 were also shown to respond to homophilic CD151 interactions for the induction of adhesion-dependent activation of FAK, Src, and c-Jun [3].
  • Thus, FAK may act in glioblastoma as a downstream target of growth factor signaling, with integrins enhancing the impact of such signaling in the tumor microenvironment [4].

High impact information on PTK2

  • Further, HHV-8 infection induced the integrin-mediated activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) [5].
  • Overexpression of FAK partially antagonized the effects of PTEN [6].
  • Aggregation of integrins by noninhibitory monoclonal antibodies on beads induced intracellular accumulations of pp125FAK and tensin, as well as phosphorylation, but no accumulation of other cytoskeletal proteins such as talin [7].
  • As both FAK and Src catalytic activities are important in promoting VEGF-associated tumor angiogenesis and protease-associated tumor metastasis, support is growing that FAK and Src may be therapeutically relevant targets in the inhibition of tumor progression [8].
  • Integrins can alter cellular behavior through the recruitment and activation of signaling proteins such as non-receptor tyrosine kinases including focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and c-Src that form a dual kinase complex [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of PTK2


Biological context of PTK2


Anatomical context of PTK2

  • In conclusion, PTK2 and EIF3S3, which, respectively, encode focal adhesion kinase and the p40 subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor 3, were probable targets within the amplification at 8q23-q24 and may be involved in progression of HCC [1].
  • The human homolog (PTK2) has been assigned to human Chr 8 on a panel of somatic hybrid cell lines [14].
  • Overexpression of dominant-negative FAK, FRNK, along with CIB in CHO cells completely inhibits CIB-induced cell migration [19].
  • Similar to FAK, dephosphorylation of RAFTK was observed when adherent transfected COS cells were detached [20].
  • Coexpression of RAFTK and FAK proteins in megakaryocytic cells and blood platelets was observed [20].

Associations of PTK2 with chemical compounds

  • Our results establish that FAK is an important receptor-proximal link between growth-factor-receptor and integrin signalling pathways [15].
  • The size of aggregates formed at a high shear rate in the presence of 2B-rVWF was decreased by genistein, demonstrating the biologic relevance of pp125FAK [21].
  • In contrast, neither RGDS peptide nor MoAb 7E3, both known to block alphaIIbbeta3 engagement, had any effect on SIPA and pp125FAK [21].
  • FAK+ AML cells displayed significantly higher migration capacities and resistance to daunorubicin, compared with FAK- cells [2].
  • Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is phosphorylated on tyrosine and serine residues after cell activation [22].

Physical interactions of PTK2

  • Focal adhesion kinase interacts with the transcriptional coactivator FHL2 and both are overexpressed in epithelial ovarian cancer [23].
  • In addition, pp125FAK formed signalling complexes with both paxillin and p50csk in PC-3 cells as in metastatic PCa tissues [24].
  • PI 3-kinase has also been shown to bind FAK in a cell adhesion-dependent manner at the major autophosphorylation site Y397 [25].
  • The results demonstrate that tyrosine-phosphorylated pp125FAK directly interacts with the SH2 domain of Grb2 [26].
  • The PTEN trapping mutant D92A bound wild-type FAK, requiring FAK autophosphorylation site Tyr397 [27].

Enzymatic interactions of PTK2


Co-localisations of PTK2

  • A fraction of Nck-2 co-localizes with FAK at cell periphery in spreading cells [33].

Regulatory relationships of PTK2


Other interactions of PTK2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PTK2


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