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Gene Review

TNFRSF10B  -  tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD262, DR5, Death receptor 5, KILLER, KILLER/DR5, ...
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Disease relevance of TNFRSF10B


Psychiatry related information on TNFRSF10B

  • The authors concluded that AIDS-like laboratory alterations are present in clinically unaffected IV drug users; the possible role of DR5 in conditioning different individual susceptibility is considered [5].

High impact information on TNFRSF10B

  • KILLER/DR5 is a DNA damage-inducible p53-regulated death receptor gene [6].
  • These results in mice indicate that a rational monoclonal antibody-based therapy that both causes tumor-cell apoptosis through DR5 and activates T cells may be an effective strategy for cancer immunotherapy in humans [7].
  • Primary fibrosarcomas initiated with the carcinogen 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), multiorgan metastases and a primary tumor containing as many as 90% tumor cells resistant to DR5-specific monoclonal antibody were rejected without apparent toxicity or induction of autoimmunity [7].
  • We have studied the molecular basis of HLA-DR polymorphism within such a group which includes the haplotypes DR3, DR5 and DRw6 [8].
  • The receptor designated death receptor 5 (DR5) contained a cytoplasmic death domain and induced apoptosis much like DR4 [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of TNFRSF10B


Biological context of TNFRSF10B


Anatomical context of TNFRSF10B


Associations of TNFRSF10B with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of TNFRSF10B

  • In an in vitro binding assay, the intracellular domains of both TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 bound FADD: activation of PKC significantly inhibited this interaction suggesting that PKC may be targeting key apical components of death receptor signaling [26].
  • JNK inhibition with SP600125 also blocked binding of Sp1 to the DR5/TRAIL-R2 promoter [27].
  • Moreover, we show that a cellular membrane permeable version of the peptide corresponding to the DR5 binding domain of c-FLIP induces apoptosis in mammalian cells [28].
  • Mutagenesis of the FP330-3' site suggested that either the upstream DR-5 or downstream DR-1 could mediate binding of RAR/RXR [29].
  • Triggering cell death: the crystal structure of Apo2L/TRAIL in a complex with death receptor 5 [30].

Regulatory relationships of TNFRSF10B

  • Antileukemic drugs increase death receptor 5 levels and enhance Apo-2L-induced apoptosis of human acute leukemia cells [31].
  • In this study, we demonstrate that the DR KILLER/DR5 gene is regulated in a p53-dependent and -independent manner during genotoxic and nongenotoxic stress-induced apoptosis [18].
  • Taken together, our findings suggest that TG is able to sensitize tumor cells of GCT to TRAIL-induced cell death, perhaps in part through up-regulating the death receptor DR5 and down-regulating the decoy receptor DcR1 [32].
  • IFN-alpha pretreatment enhanced TRAIL-induced apoptosis of HuH-7 and Hep3B cells, in which IFN-alpha upregulated the expression of DR5, a death receptor of TRAIL, and downregulated the expression of survivin, which has an antiapoptotic function [33].
  • Transcription factor NF-kappaB differentially regulates death receptor 5 expression involving histone deacetylase 1 [34].

Other interactions of TNFRSF10B

  • Here we show that TRAIL-R1 can associate with TRAIL-R2, suggesting that TRAIL may signal through heteroreceptor signaling complexes [35].
  • FADD/MORT1 and caspase-8 are recruited to TRAIL receptors 1 and 2 and are essential for apoptosis mediated by TRAIL receptor 2 [20].
  • The signaling capacity of TRAIL-R4 is similar to that of TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 with respect to NF-kappaB activation, but differs in its inability to induce apoptosis [36].
  • On activation, both cell types rapidly expressed TRAIL-R2 and TRAIL-R3, whose expression peaked at day 10 of culture [37].
  • However, unlike other p53-regulated genes, KILLER/DR5 is not regulated following UV irradiation [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TNFRSF10B

  • Here we report the identification of a distinct receptor for TRAIL, TRAIL-R2, by ligand-based affinity purification and subsequent molecular cloning [17].
  • On the contrary, DR5 was located on the cell surface in all four sensitive lines tested, being absent only from the cell surface of the resistant line that was also DR5-negative by Western blotting [2].
  • Because these data suggested that sensitivity of ESFTs to TRAIL was mainly based on the presence of DR4/DR5, we investigated the presence of these receptors in 32 ESFT tissue sections by immunohistochemistry [2].
  • Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction demonstrated tumor necrosis factor-R1, tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL)-R1/DR4, -R2/DR5, and TRAIL, but not tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression by these cells [38].
  • However, the augmentation of Apo2L/TRAIL effects by chemotherapy was associated with drug-induced up-regulation of death receptors DR4 and DR5 mRNA and protein [39].


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