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Gene Review

CCNH  -  cyclin H

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CAK, CycH, Cyclin-H, MO15-associated protein, p34, ...
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Disease relevance of CCNH


High impact information on CCNH

  • In addition, mimicking cdk8 phosphorylation of cyclin H in vivo has a dominant-negative effect on cell growth [6].
  • Here we use a yeast two-hybrid screen to show that a new human cyclin (cyclin H) is a MO15-associated protein [7].
  • Recent results on the structures of two cyclins, cyclin A and cyclin H, and two transcription factor mediator proteins, TFIIB and the A pocket region of the retinoblastoma tumour suppressor protein (Rb), show that they share domains with a strikingly similar alpha-helical topology, despite remote sequence identity [8].
  • The subunits of this enzyme have been identified recently as p40MO15, the catalytic subunit, and cyclin H, a regulatory subunit [9].
  • The specificity of the cyclin H molecule is provided mainly by two long helices which extend the cyclin fold at its N- and C-termini and pack together against the first repeat on the side opposite to the kinase [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of CCNH


Biological context of CCNH


Anatomical context of CCNH

  • The human MAT1 gene expresses a single 1.6-kb transcript, the steady-state level of which, like CDK7 and cyclin H, varies significantly in different cell lines and in different terminally differentiated tissues [17].
  • Finally, both cyclin H and cdk7 did not colocalize with P80 coilin after disruption of the coiled body, indicating that these proteins are specifically targeted to the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-containing domain [18].
  • The nuclear localization of both the MO15 gene product and CAK activity may imply that cdks activation primarily occurs in the cell nucleus [16].
  • However, in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from HIV-infected patients, cyclin B and p34 cdc kinase show premature expression during the cell cycle [4].
  • Unscheduled cyclin B expression and p34 cdc2 activation in T lymphocytes from HIV-infected patients [4].

Associations of CCNH with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CCNH


Other interactions of CCNH


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CCNH


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