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Gene Review

cyaA  -  adenylate cyclase

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK3800, JW3778, cya
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Disease relevance of cyaA


High impact information on cyaA

  • These results suggest that the synthesis of both cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP is mediated by the same enzyme, adenylate cyclase, Interestingly, a reciprocal effect of glucose starvation was observed on the accumulation of both cyclic nucleotides [5].
  • Fourth, the characteristic of a strain overproducing cyclic GMP was co-transduced with the cya locus [5].
  • A possible involvement of cya gene in the synthesis of cyclic guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate in E. coli [5].
  • In order to identify molecular features of the calmodulin (CaM) activated adenylate cyclase of Bordetella pertussis, a truncated cya gene was fused after the 459th codon in frame with the alpha-lacZ' gene fragment and expressed in Escherichia coli [6].
  • The phosphoenolpyruvate:glucose phosphotransferase system (PTS) of Salmonella typhimurium is involved both in glucose transport and in the regulation and synthesis of adenylate cyclase and several transport systems [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of cyaA


Biological context of cyaA


Anatomical context of cyaA


Associations of cyaA with chemical compounds

  • We found that the glucose effect in the lacL8UV5 cells was no longer observed when either the crp or the cya gene was disrupted [16].
  • Cyclic AMP exerted a strong negative control on the biosynthesis and of this enzyme for which the integrity of both the cya and the crp gene functions was necessary [17].
  • For the translational fusion (in a cya crp* genetic background) to be repressed by glycerol, a drop to pH 5 of the growth medium was necessary [18].
  • This indicated that enzyme I or phosphorylated histidine-containing phosphotransferase protein in addition to its role in phosphorylating enzyme IIIGlc, is involved in adenylate cyclase (AC) activation or cAMP excretion [19].
  • When grown on glucose and casamino acids growth could be stimulated by adenine and hypoxanthine nucleosides; these results suggest an impaired nitrogen metabolism in cya and crp mutants [20].

Regulatory relationships of cyaA

  • In a strain carrying multiple copies of the crp gene and overproducing CAP the activity of adenylate cyclase is severely inhibited, although the in vivo rate of cAMP synthesis is similar to the parental strain [21].

Other interactions of cyaA

  • One class consisted of primary site revertants; a second class was pseudorevertants that had phenotypically reverted to wild type but retaining the original cya mutant and the third class of revertants, designated csm, were pseudorevertants hypersensitive to exogenous cAMP [22].
  • The dapF gene was localized in the 85-min region of the E. coli chromosome between cya and uvrD [23].
  • S. typhimurium crr mutants are deficient in enzyme III glucose, which is a component of the glucose transport system, and a regulator of adenylate cyclase [24].
  • In a CAP-deficient strain, the presence of an hns mutation results in a strong reduction in the amount of cAMP, due to a decrease in adenylate cyclase activity [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of cyaA


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