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Chemical Compound Review

MK-955     [(3S)-3-methyloxiran-2- yl]phosphonic acid

Synonyms: LS-106591, BRN 1680831, AC1L1M35, C3H7O4P, 883A, ...
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Disease relevance of FOSFOMYCIN

  • We now show that cells with inactivated murMN also have a third phenotype: an increased susceptibility to lysis when exposed to low concentrations of fosfomycin, d-cycloserine, vancomycin, and nisin, indicating a wide-spectrum hypersensitivity to inhibitors of both early and late stages of cell wall biosynthesis [1].
  • Codon randomization and selection for the ability of resulting clones to confer fosfomycin resistance to Escherichia coli were used to identify residues critical for FosA function [2].
  • Functional analysis of active site residues of the fosfomycin resistance enzyme FosA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa [2].
  • Mutations of Cys115 to Asp exist in pathogens such as Mycobacteria or Chlamydia rendering these organisms resistant to fosfomycin [3].
  • Here we report the cloning and characterization of a complete fosfomycin biosynthetic cluster from Streptomyces fradiae and heterologous production of fosfomycin in S. lividans [4].

Psychiatry related information on FOSFOMYCIN

  • Increasing the dose infused (10 g) markedly shortened the latency period between reaching a sufficient concentration of fosfomycin in the CSF [5].

High impact information on FOSFOMYCIN


Chemical compound and disease context of FOSFOMYCIN


Biological context of FOSFOMYCIN

  • It provides an attractive template for the design of novel antibiotic drugs and is the target of the naturally occurring antibiotic fosfomycin, which covalently attaches to Cys115 in the active site of the enzyme [3].
  • Both of these plasmids are present in parental S. marcescens strains resistant to fosfomycin [14].
  • The pharmacokinetics of phosphomycin were studied in seven patients with pleural effusion of varied etiologies [15].
  • Although the addition of the substrate, fosfomycin, has no appreciable effect on the association kinetics of enzyme and metal, it significantly decreases the dissociation rate, suggesting that the substrate interacts directly with the metal center [16].
  • Nucleotide sequence and intracellular location of the product of the fosfomycin resistance gene from transposon Tn2921 [17].

Anatomical context of FOSFOMYCIN


Associations of FOSFOMYCIN with other chemical compounds


Gene context of FOSFOMYCIN


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FOSFOMYCIN


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