MeSH Review:
Streptococcus sobrinus
- Structural studies of the rhamnose-glucose polysaccharide antigen from Streptococcus sobrinus B13 and 6715-T2. Linzer, R., Reddy, M.S., Levine, M.J. Infect. Immun. (1985)
- Isolation and characterization of the Streptococcus mutans gtfD gene, coding for primer-dependent soluble glucan synthesis. Hanada, N., Kuramitsu, H.K. Infect. Immun. (1989)
- Escherichia coli heat-labile toxin subunit B fusions with Streptococcus sobrinus antigens expressed by Salmonella typhimurium oral vaccine strains: importance of the linker for antigenicity and biological activities of the hybrid proteins. Jagusztyn-Krynicka, E.K., Clark-Curtiss, J.E., Curtiss, R. Infect. Immun. (1993)
- Root surface caries subsequent to gingivectomy in rats inoculated with Streptococcus sobrinus (mutans) and Actinomyces viscosus. Firestone, A.R., Graves, C., Caufield, P.W., Feagin, F.F. J. Dent. Res. (1987)
- The galU gene of Streptococcus pneumoniae that codes for a UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase is highly polymorphic and suitable for molecular typing and phylogenetic studies. Mollerach, M., García, E. Gene (2000)
- Isolation and sequence of an active-site peptide containing a catalytic aspartic acid from two Streptococcus sobrinus alpha-glucosyltransferases. Mooser, G., Hefta, S.A., Paxton, R.J., Shively, J.E., Lee, T.D. J. Biol. Chem. (1991)
- Enolase from Streptococcus sobrinus is an immunosuppressive protein. Veiga-Malta, I., Duarte, M., Dinis, M., Tavares, D., Videira, A., Ferreira, P. Cell. Microbiol. (2004)
- Expression and characterization of streptococcal rgp genes required for rhamnan synthesis in Escherichia coli. Shibata, Y., Yamashita, Y., Ozaki, K., Nakano, Y., Koga, T. Infect. Immun. (2002)
- Streptococcus sobrinus antigens that react to salivary antibodies induced by tonsillar application of formalin-killed S. sobrinus in rabbits. Fukuizumi, T., Inoue, H., Tsujisawa, T., Uchiyama, C. Infect. Immun. (2000)
- Inhibitory effects of plant polyphenoloxidase on colonization factors of Streptococcus sobrinus 6715. Cowan, M.M., Horst, E.A., Luengpailin, S., Doyle, R.J. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2000)
- An 87-kilodalton glucan-binding protein of Streptococcus sobrinus B13. Wu-Yuan, C.D., Gill, R.E. Infect. Immun. (1992)
- Sucrose 6-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase from Streptococcus sobrinus: characterization of a glucosyl-enzyme complex. Mooser, G., Iwaoka, K.R. Biochemistry (1989)
- The in vitro dental plaque inhibitory properties of a series of N-[1-alkyl-4(1H)-pyridinylidene]alkylamines. Wentland, M.P., Bailey, D.M., Powles, R.G., Slee, A.M., Sedlock, D.M. J. Med. Chem. (1988)
- Characterization of immune response to oral administration of Streptococcus sobrinus ribosomal preparations in liposomes. Gregory, R.L., Michalek, S.M., Richardson, G., Harmon, C., Hilton, T., McGhee, J.R. Infect. Immun. (1986)
- Effects of N-acetylglucosamine on carbohydrate fermentation by Streptococcus mutans NCTC 10449 and Streptococcus sobrinus SL-1. Homer, K.A., Patel, R., Beighton, D. Infect. Immun. (1993)
- Genetic analysis of scrA and scrB from Streptococcus sobrinus 6715. Chen, Y.Y., LeBlanc, D.J. Infect. Immun. (1992)
- Overproduction of a dextranase inhibitor by Streptococcus sobrinus mutants. Wanda, S.Y., Camilli, A., Murchison, H.M., Curtiss, R. J. Bacteriol. (1994)
- Simultaneous caries induction and calculus formation in rats. Tanzer, J.M., Grant, L.P., McMahon, T., Clinton, D., Eanes, E.D. J. Dent. Res. (1993)
- Oral immunization with recombinant Salmonella typhimurium expressing surface protein antigen A (SpaA) of Streptococcus sobrinus: effects of the Salmonella virulence plasmid on the induction of protective and sustained humoral responses in rats. Redman, T.K., Harmon, C.C., Michalek, S.M. Vaccine (1996)
- Early formation of Streptococcus sobrinus biofilm on various dental restorative materials. Steinberg, D., Eyal, S. Journal of dentistry. (2002)
- Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against glucosyltransferase synthesizing water-insoluble glucan from Streptococcus sobrinus B13. Ochiai, K., Fukushima, K., Shiota, T., Ikeda, T. J. Dent. Res. (1990)
- Evaluation of antimicrobial properties of orthodontic composite resins combined with benzalkonium chloride. Othman, H.F., Wu, C.D., Evans, C.A., Drummond, J.L., Matasa, C.G. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics. (2002)
- Chemical-biological interactions of NaF with three different cell lines and the caries pathogen Streptococcus sobrinus. Dogan, S., Günay, H., Leyhausen, G., Geurtsen, W. Clinical oral investigations. (2002)
- Sequence analysis of scrA and scrB from Streptococcus sobrinus 6715. Chen, Y.Y., Lee, L.N., LeBlanc, D.J. Infect. Immun. (1993)
- Use of a novel mobilizable vector to inactivate the scrA gene of Streptococcus sobrinus by allelic replacement. Buckley, N.D., Lee, L.N., LeBlanc, D.J. J. Bacteriol. (1995)
- Insertional inactivation of the Streptococcus mutans dexA (dextranase) gene results in altered adherence and dextran catabolism. Colby, S.M., Whiting, G.C., Tao, L., Russell, R.R. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) (1995)
- Therapeutic vaccine against Streptococcus sobrinus-induced caries. Dinis, M., Tavares, D., Fonseca, A.J., Faria, R., Ribeiro, A., Silvério Cabrita, A.M., Ferreira, P. J. Dent. Res. (2004)
- Effects of resin composite components on glucosyltransferase of cariogenic bacterium. Kawai, K., Tsuchitani, Y. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. (2000)
- Expression and secretion of an Arthrobacter dextranase in the oral bacterium Streptococcus gordonii. Kubo, S., Kubota, H., Ohnishi, Y., Morita, T., Matsuya, T., Matsushiro, A. Infect. Immun. (1993)
- Antigenicity and immunogenicity of a synthetic peptide derived from a glucan-binding domain of mutans streptococcal glucosyltransferase. Smith, D.J., Taubman, M.A., Holmberg, C.F., Eastcott, J., King, W.F., Ali-Salaam, P. Infect. Immun. (1993)
- Salivary IgA reactions to cell-surface antigens of oral streptococci. Wallengren, M.L., Hamberg, K., Ericson, D. Oral Microbiol. Immunol. (2004)