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Bundle of His

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Disease relevance of Bundle of His


High impact information on Bundle of His

  • Using His bundle recording techniques, we examined direct and autonomically mediated conduction system effects of quinidine in five cardiac transplant recipients who have anatomically denervated hearts [6].
  • By recording atrial, His, and ventricular signals with intracardiac electrodes, we show that this decrease is attributed to significantly accelerated conduction above the His bundle (atrial-His interval: 27.9 +/- 5.1 ms in Cx30.2(LacZ/LacZ) versus 37.1 +/- 4.1 ms in Cx30.2(+/+) mice), whereas HV conduction is unaltered [7].
  • HNK-1 stains the developing atrioventricular conduction system, ie, the bundle branches, His bundle, right atrioventricular ring, and retroaortic ring [8].
  • The diastolic slopes were recorded through a unipolar lead consisting of a terminal of an electrode catheter placed in the His bundle area paired with an indifferent terminal on the superior vena cava [9].
  • Electrophysiologic studies using the His bundle electrogram (HBE) and histologic studies of serial sections of the conduction system were correlated in two groups of deceased patients [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Bundle of His


Biological context of Bundle of His


Anatomical context of Bundle of His


Associations of Bundle of His with chemical compounds

  • The H-V interval during sinus rhythm and the S1 V1 interval during His bundle pacing at all CLs did not change after ouabain [23].
  • A repeat electrophysiologic study 4 days after digoxin was discontinued revealed complete trifascicular block (distal to H) with intact conduction between the atrium and the His bundle (AH of 150 msec) [24].
  • Both adenosine and ATP depressed AV conduction by lengthening the atrial to His bundle (AH) interval [25].
  • During retrograde refractory period studies, the longest V1V2 interval at which a retrograde His bundle potential (H2) emerged from the V2 electrogram (relative refractory period of the His-Purkinje system) was consistently longer after amiodarone as compared with the control period (376.4 +/- 46.6 versus 318.8 +/- 33.1 ms, p less than 0.005) [26].
  • In guinea pig isolated hearts, m-DITC-ADAC (5 microM) prolonged the stimulus to His bundle (SH) interval by 2.1-fold; this response could be prevented by the antagonist 8-cyclopentyltheophylline (5 microM) [27].

Gene context of Bundle of His

  • We find that Tbx5 is expressed throughout the central conduction system, including the atrioventricular bundle and bundle branch conduction system [28].
  • For example, Cx40 deficiency results in sinoatrial conduction impairments, a significant decrease of the conduction velocity in the atria, and a delay of the propagation of impulse in the His bundle [29].
  • It is concluded that the AVN derives from the atrioventricular canal myocardium, the bundle of His from the ventricular myocardium, and the bundle branches from the ventricular trabeculations [30].
  • Cx43 is not detected either in the His bundle or in the proximal parts of the bundle branches, and consequently, Cx40 is the first connexin demonstrated in this region of the rat conduction system [20].
  • However, the ventricular part of the conduction system, comprising atrioventricular bundle and bundle branches, are almost devoid of SERCA2 mRNA [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bundle of His


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