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Chemical Compound Review

proton     hydrogen(+1) cation

Synonyms: hydron, deuterium(1+), Hydrogen(1+), CHEBI:15378, FT-0627130, ...
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Disease relevance of hydrogen ion


High impact information on hydrogen ion


Biological context of hydrogen ion

  • By using implant models prepared from Hydron, a hydrophilic polymer known to exhibit excellent tissue compatibility, we have found that the release rate could be precisely regulated by proper geometry, copolymer composition, concentration of ionogenic groups and cross-link density [10].
  • Hydron sponge is capable of eleciting an unusual phenomenon of woven bone formation [11].
  • The application of Hydron burn wound dressing did not adversely affect the wound healing [12].
  • We then measured contrast sensitivity with an Allergan Optical, Hydron Echelon, which is a diffractive simultaneous bifocal and a CIBA Vision, Spectrum, which is a concentric design, center-near, two-zone simultaneous vision bifocal [13].
  • In vivo release kinetics for bFGF in Hydron and Elvax were compared, and the release of bioactive bFGF from Hydron and Elvax was demonstrated in vitro [14].

Anatomical context of hydrogen ion

  • Pellets of the extract containing Hydron were implanted between the layers of the rabbit corneal stroma as an assay for angiogenic activity [15].
  • One group of IUMs was modified by using ethylene vinyl acetate to provide a high level of lateral compliance and another was modified by using a tissue-compatible Hydron coating in order to decrease the inflammatory response of the endometrium [16].
  • METHODS: Non-biodegradable Hydron pellets approximately 1.5 mm in diameter containing both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) were implanted intravitreally over the optic disk of either Dutch belt rabbits or New Zealand White/Black satin cross rabbits [17].
  • New blood vessels did not form in response to HSA in Hydron or Elvax, while TGF-beta induced +4 angiogenesis accompanied by vigorous inflammation [14].
  • Twenty-two gauge teflon sheaths, which had been coated with PDWHF-Hydron or only with Hydron, were inserted into the spinal cords of cats and the injured cats were maintained for 3 weeks [18].

Associations of hydrogen ion with other chemical compounds


Gene context of hydrogen ion


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of hydrogen ion

  • Uncoated laparotomy pads and pads coated with Hydron were put through an ordinary laundry procedure [27].
  • In the configuration used, the Hydron sponge did not enhance the ingrowth of bone into the Dacron for prosthesis anchorage [11].
  • Delivery of the bFGF was either by direct intramuscular injection or by the sustained release from 888polymers (Hydron or Elvax) implanted into the muscles [28].
  • The experience with clinical application of hydron pouches in tumor chemotherapy [2].
  • The tear stability and tear volume of 55 asymptomatic Hong Kong-Chinese were assessed before soft contact lens (Hydron Zero 6) were and repeated on three visits over 28 weeks of lens wear [29].


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