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Calorimetry, Indirect

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Disease relevance of Calorimetry, Indirect


Psychiatry related information on Calorimetry, Indirect


High impact information on Calorimetry, Indirect

  • We studied the effect of ethanol on 24-hour substrate-oxidation rates in eight normal men during two 48-hour sessions in an indirect-calorimetry chamber [8].
  • METHODS AND INTERVENTIONS--The O2 consumption (determined by indirect calorimetry), O2 delivery (calculated from the Fick equation), and concentration of arterial plasma lactate were simultaneously determined at 5- to 20-minute intervals while life support was discontinued [9].
  • There was no increase in systemic oxygen uptake measured by indirect calorimetry in any of the patients studied for up to 6 hours posttransfusion (including those patients with an elevated arterial lactate concentration) [10].
  • Neither plasma palmitate concentrations nor respiratory quotient by indirect calorimetry differed between men and women [11].
  • Whole-body glucose disposal and oxidation were determined by combination of the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique and indirect calorimetry [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Calorimetry, Indirect


Biological context of Calorimetry, Indirect


Anatomical context of Calorimetry, Indirect


Associations of Calorimetry, Indirect with chemical compounds


Gene context of Calorimetry, Indirect

  • By day 6 of the study, the GH group had a significant reduction in the respiratory quotient (RQ) measured by indirect calorimetry; an increase in nitrogen retention; an increase in plasma transferrin concentrations; and an increase in plasma insulinlike growth factor (IGF1) concentration [33].
  • The ADRB2 polymorphism was identified by PCR-RFLP, fat oxidation was determined by indirect calorimetry and blood measurements were carried out following conventional procedures [34].
  • While food intake did not differ significantly between Kv1.3(-/-) and controls, basal metabolic rate, measured at rest by indirect calorimetry, was significantly higher in knockout animals [35].
  • We studied fuel utilization by indirect calorimetry and stable isotope methodology in four patients with CPT II deficiency, three subjects who carried one CPT2 gene mutation, and five healthy control subjects [36].
  • Therefore, we investigated the effect of the C-174G promoter polymorphism of the IL-6 gene on energy expenditure, measured by indirect calorimetry in healthy Finnish subjects (n = 124) [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Calorimetry, Indirect


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